sabvit Member


  • Not a stupid question at all. If we had all the answers, we'd all be skinny! In my experience, if I deprive myself of something I enjoy, it's just a matter of time and I'm going to have it. The problem is when I give in to the craving, I am out of control and will have too much. Then the guilt comes in. If you have the…
  • I'm in! I would love to lose 5 lbs by the end of April. I signed up for the 10 lb challenge earlier this week but I know that is not realistic for me; losing 5 lbs is possible. My weight loss has been very slow. Down a few lbs then back up. I've been going through this for years, unfortunately I've had more ups than downs.…
  • Please count me in. This just may be the incentive I need. I would like to lose 20 lbs so that will get me half way there! That would be great!
  • I agree, this was very well said and I liked the example. I unfortunately, am among the many (not all) women described here. I want quick results and then not able to stick to my diet. I know I should make changes that I can continue indifintely. I will read this post, and re-read to remind myself of this. Thanks for the…
  • If it's any consolation, I've been there as well and know how frustrated you feel. It sounds like you are getting yourself back on track, that's great! Try to remember (I have to remind myself as well), we are all going to have set backs. Vacations, parties, holidays are going to continue to be a part of our lives. The key…
  • Welcome! I have been really impressed with this site. Hopefully you have an IPod phone or IPod Touch. I find being able to log in my food and exercise where ever I am, has really helped me stay on track. Like you, I find being able to add additional calories each day for exercise is such a motivator to stay active.…
  • Congratulations on the 20 lbs! I have completed my first week with myfitnesspal and have lost 1 lb so I am using your 20 lb weight loss as my motivation. Maybe you can find someone who has lost 30 or 40 lbs to motivate you. Having a friend or family member who is also dieting as a diet buddy is helpful to discuss meal…
    in Motivation Comment by sabvit August 2010
  • It's normal to have ups and downs when dieting. I did the same thing in June. It took me about a week to gain my diet momentum back. Rather than punishing yourself for enjoying your vacation, just get back on the program right away. Try to remember how good you felt about yourself when you were losing.