The most common mistake women make!



  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    gz he wasn't trying to offend anyone! people are so sensitive... maybe you do need a snack!!! he was trying to give some insight and motivation to make people feel better about their relationship with food!!!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol, I love that statement about the relationship with food, it is do bang on.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Ok, there are 9 pages worth of comments so far and I have only read through the first. I think you're points are well made and I agree that most women tend to make the mistake of exercising to the nth degree and eating as little as possible..I tend to be guilty of the afore mentioned crime.

    I want to thank you for taking your time to write this out. I am not offended at the way it was written at all. People understand concepts at different levels. Some need it broken down into really basic info with something they can relate to, in this case it's a car. Others are fully capable of comprehending a more complicated explanation. With a medium such as this it's better to make it some more people are able to understand the points being made.

    Again I say thanks!

  • Peanut1026
    I am also one of the non-offended women, I find this information very helpful. And I love the penguin profile pic, makes me laugh evertime I see =)
  • AlisonE76
    AlisonE76 Posts: 12
    like too!! well said!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Being shorter than most women, the calculator said I should only eat 1200 calories a day. UGH!
    good things come in small packages, do not get discouraged. Eating more may not be a bad thing with proper application.
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    Come on girls, get over it! I'm not offended, I don't believe this is what he meant to do. I know I sometimes subscribe to that way of dieting so I thank you for your post!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I totally agree with your post. My car (body) started breaking down. I am sick all the time. As a side effect i have been losing weight because i can't eat. Not healthy and no fun. I have been pushing myself too hard, so i have to take it easy from now on.
  • sabvit
    sabvit Posts: 11 Member
    I agree, this was very well said and I liked the example. I unfortunately, am among the many (not all) women described here. I want quick results and then not able to stick to my diet. I know I should make changes that I can continue indifintely. I will read this post, and re-read to remind myself of this. Thanks for the words of wisdom!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I totally agree with your post. My car (body) started breaking down. I am sick all the time. As a side effect i have been losing weight because i can't eat. Not healthy and no fun. I have been pushing myself too hard, so i have to take it easy from now on.
    add cinnamon and honey to warm cup of tea or coffee, it will help you get back to health much faster.
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member

    by all the people on here jumping all over someone who saw a trend and took the time out of their day to try answer some questions/give a different perspective. Not cos they don't like women or look down on them, but because they thought they could help.

    Personally I will read Newfiedans comments in future much more than those of some of the people who couldn't look past the specific trees to see the forest. If he'd wanted to I am sure he could have come up with a much more offensive analogy... instead of being a typical bloke and making it about cars ;-)
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    For goodness' sake ladies, GROW UP. :angry: If you take offence at this how on earth do you get through your daily lives??? There was nothing offensive in anything in the opening post and if you chose to make it so - and take it so personally in a lot of cases - then you really need to get over yourselves and get a grip on things.

    And as for generalising and "lumping all women into the same group" wasn't that exactly what one of the early FEMALE posters did by saying "YOU have offended 90% of women on this board" or similar? Talk about stereotyping everyone and assuming we'd all think this was personal and bad because it's a post aimed at mistakes women make. Jeez.

    I'm definitely in the camp of "not offended" about the opening post. I have been 100% guilty of everything described in that post, in the past, because like a lot of ladies, I thought you had to eat less and work out more to lose weight. Now I know better - through sites and people like Newfiedan who are willing to give their time and thoughts to others. What worked for him MAY not work for you but at least he's giving help to those who need it!

    My calorie goal is set at 1200 (MFP did it and it seems to make no difference what I set my weight loss per week to, and I don't have a huge amount to lose!) but I average around 350 calories per day exercising and I definitely make sure I eat them back. I suspect WHAT I eat could be better in a lot of cases but at the end of the day I'm only human!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    yep as am I which is why first thing I tell people is I am not dietary angel. I do not have to be, I am still succeeding, but we all need to find the formula that works for us. They all have the same factors but in different values.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I want to say that I read your post and many of the comments you received. I thank you for posting this information - I've heard some of it before, but needed to read it today. I'm like you - I don't get the "I'm offended." I found it helpful information. I'm one of those that sets the bar at 1200 calories, doesn't see any results fast enough and gives up. I've started and stopped so many times - too many to recall. Well, I'm hopeful this time. I'm not trying to starve myself (although I still have the bar set at 1200) LOL! Again, I found your post helpful. Thank you!:happy: :happy:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Personally, I think you just posted this topic to get yourself alone in a room with a bunch of feisty ladies. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Although, I'd like a second opinion on the part about eating more than three meals a day not helping your metabolism. I've read in many different places and from many different people, including some doctors, that it's better to eat 5 small meals than just three "big" meals. Where did you get your information regarding that? If it's a myth, I'd like to know for sure.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Firstly I am NOT offended :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy:

    Thanks for a great post. I posted earlier about why I am at a total standstill with my weight/inch loss and even though I'm not on 1200 cals your post along with the advice of others has prompted me to try a new approach. I'm going to eat at maintenance for a while, keep up my weight training and intervals and hopefully I'll start to see some loss.

    Thanks again:drinker:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Personally, I think you just posted this topic to get yourself alone in a room with a bunch of feisty ladies. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Although, I'd like a second opinion on the part about eating more than three meals a day not helping your metabolism. I've read in many different places and from many different people, including some doctors, that it's better to eat 5 small meals than just three "big" meals. Where did you get your information regarding that? If it's a myth, I'd like to know for sure.
    there are numerous others, what it boils down to is finding what works for you, for some of us eating 5 or 6 small meals a day works for others 3 meals a day works. I just listen to my body as the needs can change daily.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Firstly I am NOT offended :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy:

    Thanks for a great post. I posted earlier about why I am at a total standstill with my weight/inch loss and even though I'm not on 1200 cals your post along with the advice of others has prompted me to try a new approach. I'm going to eat at maintenance for a while, keep up my weight training and intervals and hopefully I'll start to see some loss.

    Thanks again:drinker:
    its a marathon not a sprint. glad to see you took good advice to heart.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    just saying, i'm going to make myself a 1967 mustang. :blushing: thats better than any prius!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Thank you so much for that post! Everything that you said it exactly correct and I am living proof. If you were to look at my diaries you will see what I have been doing (along with other wrong things) and see why I have not lost a pound in the last two weeks. Thank you educating us and if I am not a friend to you I would love to be, because knowledge is power and power is what I need!! Thanks again, Shelia
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