

  • I just go ahead and eat it. Then I make sure I get in some good cardio.
  • I was unemployed for 2 months after a move in '07. I lived on rice & beans and ramen. Not the healthiest time in my life, but I ended up losing 30 pounds, so something good came out of those lean times. But definitely head to a local church. Although I'm working full time now, there are still times when we need to take…
  • My feelings exactly. Saturday is normally my day off of cooking. It doesn't always end up being terrible-for-you eating out, but it's always something my family and I enjoy.
  • This has COMPLETELY made my day! ROFLMAO
  • You're a true inspiration. And anyone who knows Chunk & the Truffle Shuffle is an ok dude in my book! Bravo!
  • I actually say some mornings when I'm forcing myself out of bed to workout "Get your A** out of this bed! Quit trying to go back to sleep!" LOL!!! My best friends know that when they need a good kick in the pants, I'll give them a foot full of love! I never used to give myself that same treatment. It was always "Oh well,…
  • Talk about a job well done!
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit/18701852 These are AWESOME!!!! AND!!! Only 70 calories per brownie!
  • Look for body weight exercises. Use things around your house: I use an ottoman for step aerobics while listening to music or watching tv. Blast some music. See how many times you can walk/jog/run from the front to the back of your house before a song ends. Stop and do jumping jack/squats/push ups or some other move during…
  • I try not to deprive myself of anything. If I have a craving, I check the calories, if it fits, I eat. If not, then I find its healthier counterpart. OR, if the craving is 300 calories or less, I just jump on my rebounder while watching tv and earn those calories back, lol.
  • Freeze some bananas, throw them in the blender until smooth, add some cocoa powder and BOOM healthy ice cream.
  • Feel free to add me. Also, here's something I had to tell myself to help get me logging my meals more consistently: I looked at how often I log into Facebook, Pinterest, Craftgawker; as well as how often I play online games. Told myself if I can find 2 minutes to do that, I can do this. I've also begun checking message…
  • Make something healthy to bring & share. PAY ATTENTION to everything you eat. Drink lots of water throughout. Whenever possible, get up and move around. Start a game for every time the team you're root for gets a touchdown: like do a little dance or something. Most of all HAVE FUN! It's only one day. Burn & cut some extra…
  • I won't say I've really given anything up as much as I'm making changes. I LOVE cake, so I make it myself with healthy substitutions. I don't do soda almost at all, MAYBE one soda every couple weeks when I really get a craving.
  • Age: 32 Gender: female Married? yes Kids? 3 step children Goal weight: 165 Current weight: 325 Height: 5'10" Favorite exercise: rebounding Least favorite exercise: push ups! Pets? 5 dogs Calorie goal: 1810 Special dietary needs: none How often do you work out? Just started, shooting for daily Current program you're using:…
  • I LOVE my hazelnut coffee *light & sweet*.......had to give that up. But, I will treat myself once in a while, minus the cream & sugar. Also, gave up soda and processed fruit juice. The only juice I'll drink now are green juices I make myself. And those are usually meal replacements.
  • Try distilled water. Or, try making your own flavored water. Check these out on pinterest.com http://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=flavored+water
  • I. LOVE. MY. REBOUNDER. LOL. Seriously, I set it up in front of the television and just bounce away. I break a sweat after about 10 minutes. Also, if you have a stepper at home, that tones your thighs a bit and gives a decent cardio workout depending on how you do it. You can burn a decent amount of calories. About the…
  • I've been fluctuating between 315 - 330 for a the past 4 years. My goal is 165 (my red flag weight will be 175). Add me. I'm aiming for 10% milestones. So, my first milestone should bring me down about 32 pounds, which would get me under 300.
  • So helpful! Thanks! Keep up the good work!
  • Found this topic, and thought I'd rekindle it since I need the answer.......how do you record this? Someone has to know, lol!
  • When I'm really watching my calories, I tend to lose about a pound a week. And that's when I'm doing about 4-5 shifts a week. But, my schedule is different now, and I'm only working there about 2 times a week. And the rest of the week is at a desk job. Since my activity level increases on those two days, was wondering if…
  • Check out this site I found recently. I was looking into it for my stepson, but found I could and SHOULD be doing the same thing. The containers are available for purchase on the site, and she has hundred's a lunch ideas.…