I have $7 for groceries.



  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    Rice and ramen.... get creative! Or just ask for help. $7 isn't going to feed you for a month.. no way in hell! You better get someone damn good at couponing... *Not a bad idea.... I suck at it but I'm sure you could find someone! =)

    Seriously though....ask for help. =/
  • dancinnik
    Definitely go to a food bank. Ive been given rice, beans, potatoes, onion, bananas, oranges, tomatoes (fresh and canned) soup, lettuce, radishes, coffee or tea, all the bread I wanted, even desert items. I'm able to go once a week no questions asked, just show your id. I have even gotten milk, yogurt, eggs and meat. This is just for a family of one and its enough to get you by. Best of luck to you and as others have said, babysitting, dog walking ect... will help.:heart:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    a loaf of bread, cereal and milk.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I actually went dumpstering earlier today. I do it sometimes when I am out of food. I have been homeless on and off for the last two years and food has been an issue for me as well. I am going to a food bank tomorrow. Luckily there was one scheduled tomorrow! A lot of them here are exclusively for mothers, children, and seniors.

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions!

    I was officially out of real food today, but my friend made me some lunch and bought me a box of protein bars, so I am getting by for today.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    Also, I am fully aware my profile says I am into craft food and beer. This is something I like as a hobby when I can afford it, duh.
    I have a ****ty family situation and I got kicked out of my house at 18. No, it wasn't my choice to move out. I would be in a stable place if I could be. I am trying to live as normal of a life as I can as a now 21 year old. I have tried applying for food stamps, but have gotten rejected because I don't have a job. I have an interview for a pretty awesome and stable position next week, so wish me luck, guys!

    And thank you, everyone, once again for your support!
    Really didn't think this many people would care.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member

    I am getting into a homeless transitional living place soon.
    So, yeah!

    Things should be looking up soon.

    I am just in the most terrible of places right now.
    Life just, sucks.

    But I am trying to stay positive.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    a dozen eggs, dried beans, rice

  • blondeambition13
    I also suggest purchasing rice and beans (in bulk). Lots of options to cook it with the foods you already have, another idea is spaghetti, a little goes a LONG way, and it can be extremely cheap! Try the spaghetti with marinara and a little cheese, the beans and rice will go well with the curry sauce. Shop around for the best bang for your buck and definitely compare prices, and look for coupons! With luck these groceries will last until the end of February, so you would still need groceries for a week and a half! I highly recommend going to a food bank, thats what they are there for, and like others said when you are at the right time in your life you can return the favour by donating food items then. Another option would be to research into events that offer free food. When grocery shopping look for marked down items, as there are often products that are 50% off for reasons that don't affect the product, like a box of cereal that is a little smushed. I wish you the best of luck, it sounds like a tough time but you seem positive and you will definitely get through this!
  • FabFran33
    I was unemployed for 2 months after a move in '07. I lived on rice & beans and ramen. Not the healthiest time in my life, but I ended up losing 30 pounds, so something good came out of those lean times. But definitely head to a local church. Although I'm working full time now, there are still times when we need to take advantage of the resources available. No shame in it.

    Oh and oatmeal is another good thing to have on hand.
  • Lecterman
    Lecterman Posts: 97 Member
    How about this? If you really only have $7 to get you through until then, friend me and then send me a message with your Paypal info if you have it. I'll throw $20 your way.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    That would be gas money to drive to your moms. Is it possible that you can't afford to live on your own and support yourself? If you seriously only have $7 to last almost 3 weeks, you've got some serious challenges going on. If you are in the states, that is what food stamps are for. If you don't qualify, then things are not quite what they seem. (i.e. someone might make too much money but manage it poorly.) I recommend that you get help...whether it be through your church or community welfare services, and be honest with yourself regarding your situation. Not everyone can afford a certain lifestyle on a small budget, and one needs to eat. What will you have to forgo to make sure that you have enough money for food?

    Not being mean, just the same things I'd ask my kids before letting them move out...

    ps. Just read your profile. You might consider giving up "craft food and beer" if you are a starving college student. I would suspect that many of us ate lots of pb and jelly while going to school (I lived on it for lunch at school, and casseroles of whatever I could throw together for dinners)...many have gone before and lived to tell about it. Giving up extras and gourmet treats in lieu of plain but cheap and nutritious meals is kind of a given (and I also worked full time while at university full time, and still ate simply and cheaply)....

    Last edit, promise! Both my children worked part time on campus (in addition to working part time off campus)...go to your dept to hire out for tutoring or any other area that hires (cafeteria, library, landscaping, trash pickup). The pay is lousy (usually minimum wage) but your hours can be flexible to fit between your classes. You definitely need to pick a job or two if you can't afford to feed yourself.

    Lol @ gas money to drive to your mom's. Not everyone has the luxury of having a parent, or ones who can support them, or help them. I've been in a "have $5 to last all month" and it wasn't from poor budgeting it's from life just happening, and not being able to control it.

    That being said - Churches! I work at a grocery store and there's St Vincent that gives people vouchers. I don't know how common food banks are if you live in a more rural area.Try soup kitchens if need be for the day, or hit up some friends. <3

    Good luck. I could try to pay pal you something.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I've been there. I coped by dating men (no sex, just dates) old enough to be my father, and letting them pick up the tab. Was that a really low thing to do? Sure. But after several days without food it sure did seem like a good idea. One man even took me grocery shopping when he came to pick me up and peeked in my fridge looking for a beer.

    I didn't have the internet to turn to for advice. I had no idea what a food bank was and how they worked. Now I know, and I donate regularly.

    Seriously, OKC and try to go out on dates and go out to eat.

    I've done it.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Wow 7$... I would get rice, and beans, and as everyone has already said go to food shelters, talk to your church, if friends can help let them.

    It sounds like you are going down a more positive road though, good luck with the interview. I am not in your position but I know how it feels to be broke. I have been out of work for six weeks because I had a baby, I worked for three years at the same company but because I was "per diem" for the last ten months because I wanted time to get our new house in order. Ironically just as I go per diem we get pregnant. :) Either way the company didn't care so no income for six weeks. I am going back to work tonight (THANKFULLY) but all of my bills are one month behind, he works fifty hours a week but we've been living on rice, peanut butter, and both of our mom's cooking... I am so glad I have my family and his family for support. I have no idea what I'd do without them. Props to you girl. Good luck!
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    ..a sign and a cup that says please donate generously? ...?

    I really hope what they say about karma is true. SMH.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    Check your local farmers market. I know that ours puts stuff out at night for free that is still good but now 100% fresh and there are people that go there nightly. There is one older man that will walk up with a broom and sweep the walkway to the market and then he will look at what they have to offer for free. I guess his way of paying back.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    So, I had never heard of food banks before prior to this thread.
    You just go and people give you food, for free? say whaaaa?
    Yes, they totally do.

    And I totally just went.
    Got so much good stuff.
    Rice, beans, pasta, orange juice, 8lbs of pears, and veggies.

    Will definitely be paying it forward when I have the means to.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    edited post
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    so glad it worked out for you !

  • patrickkelly69
    not much
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    That's wonderful! I was worried about you. It's tough to make ends meet in college without not eating right. :)
