

  • Im still doing the cardio tapes as layed out and trying o jog 3 times a week. I hope to do my first 5k this summer! Someone said that jillian said its okay to do only 5 extra cardios a week I think and no additional strenghth.
  • I can only wrap the green one twice too! I may try to get another one.
  • Just a question, but for everyone doing the kickstart and doing both your workouts back to back in the AM or PM, doesnt that kind of defeat the purpose of the kickstart? I mean, it said on the commercial that your metabolism keeps working for 8? hours after these workouts, and thats why I thought you were spose to do it at…
  • Decided to start tomorrow/saturday instead of monday so my rest day can be saturday. It will just work out for my schedule since we travel a lot and I wont have to drag everything with me. Just do it friday before I leave and Sunday when I get home! Still love to keep motivated with all if you! Im starting te kickstart…
  • Just got my kit today and I dont wanna wait till Monday! =( Plan on trying the jumpstart. It will be rough to get in 2 workouts a day with my schedule, but I keep telling myself its only a week... I dont think I'll stick to the meal plan either. I have to cook for my boyfriend too and theres no way hes going to eat that…
  • Ordered Thursday March 8th. Got my shipment confirm/tracking number this morning (March 14th). Says it will be here by Friday the 16th but its already pretty close so hopefully tomorrow!? Looks like it shipped out of Ohio though and im from Ohio so maybe thats why it was so quick... Will get here the same day as my VS…