sprincess88 Member


  • I want a twin :~) Feel free to add me female - 23 years old 5'4" sw: 211 cw:180 gw:125-130 ish
  • Broke leg so no jumping jacks...did 15 girly push ups instead. 80 crunches and 30 situps :~)
  • I am totally with you on that. It's like no matter what I eat I always want more, more and more. So I try to only eat super filling low calorie things like veggies and fruits before I run to the freezer for frozen yogurt or grab a pop tart or something. But I have been putting it into my calculator thing before I even eat…
  • I'm totally with you! Hopefully I'm not too late :smile: I want to lose a total of like 60 more pounds so maybe like 1/2 that by june would be AWESOME! I'll take even 20 pounds though. I have already lost 27 total...10 just in the last month so I think 30 pounds by june is a reasonable goal. I'm ready. Anyone can friend me…
  • I saw pictures of my fat face and it totally sucked, but I didn't start caring until I got a nice big stretch mark on the front. I was married at the time and my husband was like "WOAH what happened?!?"... I felt awful enough already and that just kinda rubbed it in. That's when I realized that if I don't get my weight…
  • Hey I'm 23. Just started on here not too long ago. Anyone can add me I can use the encouragement and vice versa.
  • People SHOULD only say the positive things, but unfortunately people suck at saying nice things sometimes. You look good to me and as long as you are healthy and happy with how you look thats what counts. Not everyone is into healthy people just like not everyone is into fatties. Appreciate the support and say bye bye to…
  • When you dont put enough calories in and finish logging for the day it will tell you that you're not eating enough and it also explains why... your body goes into starvation mode and will hold on to as much as it can to give you enough energy for what you are doing. If you look at some pictures of starving people sometimes…
  • I love sugar :love: Bread-type sugary things are the best! honey buns, cinnamon rolls, cakes, cupcakes...also pies, candy bars, ice cream. MMMMMMM I love it all. I find the best thing for me is to just have it. I usually can stop after just one of whatever it is. So I log the calories and ENJOY! I just had a bowl of edy's…
  • I have 3 but 5 separated... First- On my shoulders I have matching flowers that I got as a souvenir on vacation. Then I have a crown on my back and it says "La Reina" which is the queen in spanish. I just had my feet done last year. This is the my FAVORITE. It goes from one foot to the other in the shape of a heart and…
  • This is my homepage. I spend WAY more time on mfp than anything else. This is the only reason I even turn the computer on LOL. Sure I play a few games of tetris or words with friends :smile: since i got the internet going, but that is about it for fb. I feel encouraged every time I get on mfp!