LundeenB Member


  • thank you for the threads!!! there are some many different opinions on wether it builds muscle or just 'tones"! I feel like im building muscle though. I might take body fat percentage each month to see if there is a change. ;):wink:
  • I was just like you and felt embarrassed to go to the gym. So if I didnt feel confident enough to go to the gym I brought the gym to myself! Bought p90x , insanity , and several other fitness videos. Made it through p90x 2time along with my fitnes pal and walked a lot, and made it half way through insanity. I couldn't…
  • I run because I can after being over weight and struggling to walk a a fast pace, I feel wonderful that I have worked my way up to this level. For me running is more than a work out... it brings me relief and also lets me take out all of my frustrations of the day. running shoes asics gel nimbus14 compression wear yes…
  • I'm so exhausted by the end of the day I want to go to bed by 8 no joke,! I time my self when I run and sweat like a pig during my p90x . Do think it might be to much in one day??
  • Thanks I will try to keep the sodium down your probably right. I change up my work outs a lot... I'm doing p90x minus the pull up bar, I have to do a modified move. I've also tried to incorporate more cardio (running) and strength training 3 x a day. My mom also told me I need to eat more as well but I guess I was scared…