

  • Thanks for all the great suggestions. I do have a fridge and microwave at work. I am not a fussy eater, I just needed some new ideas. I get bored easily.
  • No unfortunately not. Knowing this person the way I do, this is how she feels. Plus I have no doubt that part of why the conversation even happened was so she could slam me. This is just one of many things she has done to try and make me feel bad, this one just happened to sting a little more.
  • I wish I could say that the optimistic posts were a possibility but unfortunately I know this woman too well.
  • Thanks for all the great ideas. I hate to eat when I first get up and have been that way since I was a kid. I pack breakfast and lunch to take to work but get bored and then end up grabbing something out which hurts not only my wallet but my waistline.
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