emijo13 Member


  • I went through basic training and lost about 30 pounds in 10 weeks. I didn't realize it until I got to put my own jeans back on and they fell right off. When you see yourself everyday you don't notice the change because it has been so gradual over a longer period of time. When people you haven't seen for a while notice…
  • 4 hours of parent teacher conferences and only 5 parents showing up...
  • THANK YOU. Now I actually am seeing the progress forward that I've made and not that I messed up. I appreciate it!
  • I feel a little crappy about my progress every time I log on here, and here's why... I started MFP last summer. At the time I weighed 164. I lost 4 pounds the first month. Then because school started again, I stopped using it. I gained a whole bunch of weight that I am too proud to share, and now it always says my…