Can't see a difference



    TORNATO1 Posts: 52 Member
    Same here, I don't see a difference in my appearance, but I feel better, clothes fit better, and the before and after pictures are starting to look a little different. We all need to stick together on this one because we are all in the same boat.
  • i'm with ya...20 down and cant tell
  • I've lost 17 pounds since the start of the year and people say they can see it, but I don't always see it. Pictures can help you to see the differences. As long as you feel better and the clothes fit better you know you are heading in the right direction.
  • My wife and I took before pictures, we take pictures, as well as weight, pinch test and tape measurements weekly. We track everything on a spreadsheet. It is very motivating to seeing numbers go down, and new muscle definition weekly. Keeps the motivation up.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I have trouble realizing how different I look without pictures of myself 65 pounds ago. Its hard for me to believe I ever weighed that much to begin w if th.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I have trouble realizing how different I look without pictures of myself 65 pounds ago. Its hard for me to believe I ever weighed that much to begin w if th.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    One thing can be to concentrate on activities that you can do now that you could not do before, and overall how you feel when you work out.
  • forttc
    forttc Posts: 26 Member
    I had noticed a big difference when people do their before and after pictures even when the weight loss isn't a huge amount. You might want to try that. Wear the same clothes and stand in the same place. You could even try to find a picture of yourself before you lost the weight you already have and take a picture now and compare. I took a before picture and I can tell you it was upsetting. I'm really looking forward to my after picture.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing! I have lost 67 lbs and I can't tell.. clothes are fitting better and hubby has commented on me looking thinner.. and so has my parents.. but I don't see it!

    I still have major fat areas... and nothing in particular is going down.. I'm assuming a little of everything is going down which is why I can't notice any area's shrinking.. but it's still fusterating... not noticing...

    But the main thing is I FEEL the difference in how I stand and walk and my endurance.. so that's a start!

    EDIT: And I can't tell from the pictures my weight loss either.. I was staring at a few of them for like a half an hour yesterday and didn't see it... maybe I'll post some of my own later and let others see if they see what I can't... but for now.. just keep going one day we'll see and it will blow our minds the day that we see it! :)
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I'm in the same position and I've lost almost fifty pounds. People say they can see a difference...four neighbors that I have never even met before tell me they can tell I've lost weight and how great I'm doing. I believe my problem is, i've got a high body fat percentage. Naturally it probably won't be until my goal weight is reached until I'm actually happy. BUT I know i'm losing, I've got to be...I've lost two pants sizes and even though my stubborn belly fat is still there, it's going down! :tongue:
  • emijo13
    emijo13 Posts: 4 Member
    I went through basic training and lost about 30 pounds in 10 weeks. I didn't realize it until I got to put my own jeans back on and they fell right off. When you see yourself everyday you don't notice the change because it has been so gradual over a longer period of time. When people you haven't seen for a while notice that you've lost weight then you know you are making progress because those people didn't see you last week, or the week before, etc. when you were slowly but surely making gains towards your goal. Just enjoy how your clothes fit and the complements that you are probably getting from friends you don't see regularly!
  • I couldn't see my difference until I created side by sides
  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    Yep, I hear ya! I see the numbers changing but I don't see the changes when I look in the mirror.
    I confronted my dr. about this and she said it's almost like that of an anorexic...we just don't see what we should, mainly because we see ourselves every day. She called it dysmorphic something. She told me when I get closer to goal, if I still am the same, we'll re-evaluate the situation.
    But, hang in there. You're not alone. :)

    This is exactly what I am going through and my doctor said the same exact is in our minds...kind of like an illness like when you have anorexia...sad huh?

    Hang in there girl! Dropping from a 20 to a 14-16 is amazing and I bet you look beautiful!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Yep, I hear ya! I see the numbers changing but I don't see the changes when I look in the mirror.
    I confronted my dr. about this and she said it's almost like that of an anorexic...we just don't see what we should, mainly because we see ourselves every day. She called it dysmorphic something. She told me when I get closer to goal, if I still am the same, we'll re-evaluate the situation.
    But, hang in there. You're not alone. :)

    Body dismorphia. I struggle with this issue too. I see the changes somewhat but it happened slowly and I still feel like I look so fat.
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    hey there,
    I think tis ebcasue we set higher and higher goals for ourselves and aren't satisfied until we reach a higher standard.. but trust me there is definitely a difference. Just the fact you went down so many sizes is amazing!! congratulations and dont give up!
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I think a big part of it is that when you aren't 100% happy with your body you don't really REALLY look at yourself in the mirror..I avoided doing that at first and only started after I lost ten pounds.. so it was hard to see a difference.
  • From when i started (220lbs) to now (160.8lbs) i can see a big difference... However I still have that stubborn problem in my midsection (belly and love handles)... Recently I lost 15lbs in 2 months, but I too am not seeing any difference. My size 11 pants still fit the same... Yet the scale says otherwise "/

    Guess there is nothing to do but keep up this hard work n hope to drop down to that size 8 i've been eyeing :)
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