Vent Page



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    First time I've seen this page, but I'm so glad that I did. Here's my vent for the day.....My husband lost about 60 pounds a year and a half ago. Since then he's put about 40 pounds back on. I tell him all the time that I don't care how he looks, but I do wish that he would try to eat better, take care of himself, be a little healthier. He procedes to tell me that it's his body and he'll do what makes him happy. In the meantime, I'm busting my *kitten*, eating right, drinking water and down 11 pounds. Lately he's been making me really uncomfortable about it. He'll comment about what I'm eating, the amount I'm eating, logging what I'm eating, how long I exercise for, what intensity I do that day, logging the exercise that I do, and how none of it matters anyways, I should just do what makes me happy. Well, guess what?!?! I AM!! I feel better, look better, and have more energy. Sometimes, I want to look at him and tell him that he's a jealous, insecure, lazy, quitter. I can't stand that he can't be supportive of me now when I need it the most! And to top it all off, he just called from work to tell me that he's bringing home a pizza for dinner (my fave). I asked him to pick me up a salad to go along with it and he started in about how I need to eat like a regular person. WTH!?!

    That is MADDENING
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    ... The polar's are a pain in the *kitten* too because you can't switch out the battery yourself, you have to send it to the manufacturer ...

    Actually, that's only partly true. There are many models of the Polar HRM that you can change the battery out yourself. I have the FT4 and you can change the battery out in the watch and the actual transmitter with a simple coin or screwdriver.
  • I have a nine year old! I know EXACTLY what you mean!! :laugh: This morning she stepped over a sweater laying in the middle of her floor to tell me that she lost her sweater!! I pointed at it and she looked at me like I was speaking Greek!! Good Luck!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Urgh... So happy there is a vent page! I had a friend on MFP that I really enjoyed getting comments from and commenting on his stuff. I just unfriended him. I'm not a prude, by any means - but there is a time and place for things. Him and his girlfriend would consistently post about their lovemaking sessions and how many calories they may have consumed from each others’ fluids! :sick: Great conversations to have between a couple or with close friends, but not necessary to post for a bunch of semi-strangers to see.

    Personally, I think that people need to keep their private lives PRIVATE!!
  • Ok, just mad at myself and need to vent. I was so psyched yesterday after weighing in for the first time in almost 3 weeks to find that I had dropped 5 lbs! So after doing a great workout (for me), finally walking a 13 minute mile for the first time in over 4 years, I decided that it would be a good day to throw caution to the wind and just eat what I want. Except that I totally blew it. I may not have gone over my calorie count, thanks to my baby wanting to nurse ALL night long, but I had almost double the fat I should have. I know in the grand scheme of things one day won't make a huge difference, just mad at myself for bingeing so hard. I pigged out on icecream and chocolate and cookies and peanut butter, all consumed in about an hour. I really thought I had more discipline than that. Ok, got it all out, I feel better now and am going to work really hard to show better willpower today.
  • I definitley need this page right now. I am so livid I can't see straight. I have dieted several times and I know that every time I have gained the weight back it was because I had things going on in my life that made me stop wanting to stick to my healthy eating and working out. Had I kept it up I would have kept the weight off. Twice I lost quite a bit and kept it off for a couple of years when I was dedicated but when stressful things came up in my life or as in last year when I had some major health problems and was unable to workout I just kind of let my eating get off track but this last time has been ridiculous. I still haven't figured out why I had this major weight gain this last time because the weight just FLEW on but now doing what I have ALWAYS done in the past that has ALWAYS worked for me I can't lose a DAMN pound!!!! I am so pissed and SO sick of hearing that it takes time, I might be gaining muscle, losing inches blah blah blah. Obviously that is NOT the case. Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks since I have started this and I have given up EVERYTHING that I used to do. I was drinking a couple mochas a week, eating cookies with my meals and desserts in general. We would eat fast food quite a bit and while I didn't eat the large meals (usually ate the kids meals) I still had fries and burgers. I have not had 1 fry, 1 burger or 1 mocha since December. I have given up my desserts and only allow myself a small serving of non fat yogurt after dinner (1/4 cup). I am sticking to the calories that the site tells me to eat and I KNOW I have prob cut my intake in half if not more of what I was eating before as well as eating MUCH healthier. I am working out 6 days a week a minimum of 30 mins to 60 mins a day. I feel like I am killing myself am hungry half the time so am always trying to eat every few hours these puny "healthy" snacks and just WAITING till I can eat something again cuz it never seems to be enough food but I have to stay in my calorie range. WHYYYYYY am I doing all this crap when I can't lose ANY weight. This is ridiculous. ALL my clothes are just as tight as ever. I KNOW what it feels like to feel like some weight has come off and I look just as fat as ever. I am so livid I can't see. WHY am I killing myself when NOTHING is happening! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    I have a nine year old! I know EXACTLY what you mean!! :laugh: This morning she stepped over a sweater laying in the middle of her floor to tell me that she lost her sweater!! I pointed at it and she looked at me like I was speaking Greek!! Good Luck!

    I have a 14 year old and almost 16 year old and I frequently switch to Swahili based on their level of understanding! I love my children dearly but dear God, 18 and college can't come fast enough!
  • emijo13
    emijo13 Posts: 4 Member
    4 hours of parent teacher conferences and only 5 parents showing up...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I definitley need this page right now. I am so livid I can't see straight. I have dieted several times and I know that every time I have gained the weight back it was because I had things going on in my life that made me stop wanting to stick to my healthy eating and working out. Had I kept it up I would have kept the weight off. Twice I lost quite a bit and kept it off for a couple of years when I was dedicated but when stressful things came up in my life or as in last year when I had some major health problems and was unable to workout I just kind of let my eating get off track but this last time has been ridiculous. I still haven't figured out why I had this major weight gain this last time because the weight just FLEW on but now doing what I have ALWAYS done in the past that has ALWAYS worked for me I can't lose a DAMN pound!!!! I am so pissed and SO sick of hearing that it takes time, I might be gaining muscle, losing inches blah blah blah. Obviously that is NOT the case. Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks since I have started this and I have given up EVERYTHING that I used to do. I was drinking a couple mochas a week, eating cookies with my meals and desserts in general. We would eat fast food quite a bit and while I didn't eat the large meals (usually ate the kids meals) I still had fries and burgers. I have not had 1 fry, 1 burger or 1 mocha since December. I have given up my desserts and only allow myself a small serving of non fat yogurt after dinner (1/4 cup). I am sticking to the calories that the site tells me to eat and I KNOW I have prob cut my intake in half if not more of what I was eating before as well as eating MUCH healthier. I am working out 6 days a week a minimum of 30 mins to 60 mins a day. I feel like I am killing myself am hungry half the time so am always trying to eat every few hours these puny "healthy" snacks and just WAITING till I can eat something again cuz it never seems to be enough food but I have to stay in my calorie range. WHYYYYYY am I doing all this crap when I can't lose ANY weight. This is ridiculous. ALL my clothes are just as tight as ever. I KNOW what it feels like to feel like some weight has come off and I look just as fat as ever. I am so livid I can't see. WHY am I killing myself when NOTHING is happening! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    you're preachin' to the choir! stay strong, it took me 4 months to see the scale move...I thought I was going to explode! Then all of a sudden it just melted away...until i got a HRM with a calorie counter...little did I know the calorie counter was way off, I've gained 10 of those pounds back!!! So damn frustrating! there's nothing you can do but continue...put your head down and push through.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have a nine year old! I know EXACTLY what you mean!! :laugh: This morning she stepped over a sweater laying in the middle of her floor to tell me that she lost her sweater!! I pointed at it and she looked at me like I was speaking Greek!! Good Luck!

    I have a 14 year old and almost 16 year old and I frequently switch to Swahili based on their level of understanding! I love my children dearly but dear God, 18 and college can't come fast enough!

    Oh I have an 8 year old! His favorite scathing look is "you're an idiot"...18 really can't come fast enough! I don't even care if he goes to college or becomes a tradesman, or joins a band, just stop looking at me like that!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    Oh I have an 8 year old! His favorite scathing look is "you're an idiot"...18 really can't come fast enough! I don't even care if he goes to college or becomes a tradesman, or joins a band, just stop looking at me like that!

    They do that a 8 these days? Oh gosh, by the time I have kids they'll probably be doing it straight out of the womb!
  • I agree! I also hate that I am helping and doing everyone elses job and I get yelled at for it. If you don't like the way I do it, do your self!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    My husband wants a divorce but doesn't want to pay. He asked me to ask the church to help pay for it!! Neither does he want to call legal aid to get help with the divorce paperwork. He got upset because I called him the next day with the information on how to obtain help with the divorce. WHAT!! You say you want to be single?? Well chop chop! He refused to help with the unpaid bills he promised he would help with. FINE!! To make matters worse he had been refusing to talk to his parents and his mom's sister died and I had to contact him to tell him because they didn't know he changed his number and they don't know about the divorce. I wasn't about to tell them. I just want him to make sure my paperwork is ready by April. It would be an awesome thing to lose 230 pounds by my birthday!!
  • When my husband and I first got together I made a joke because he would snore when he would get sick. I told him it was like sleeping next to a grizzley bear. So, I have called him Grizzley Bear forever. When we found out that I was having a boy, we started calling him Little Bear. My son is a year old and responds when we call him Little Bear. BUT NOW, my brother is calling his twin girls little bears! He was calling them cuddlefish and ladybug! He should keep calling them that! Little Bear is my sons nickname!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Three vents this time

    One...I am doing a lot of venting.....I used to have such a positive outlook on life. I still try to find a positive in major life events but little things are really getting me down. After having y sone 3 1/2 years ago my hubby and I both had near death experiences...about 1 1/2 years apart. We have been fighting more since as we are both just sure one of us is going to drop dead or just walk away .....I have been having super monster hormonal issues like never before and that is not helping with the stress, depression etc...I am reaching out for help in different places but the ability to vent the silly little life events here actually helps a lot...I just hope no one things I am always this crabby...LOL

    Two....a big giant dufus windbag at our judo dojo had to weigh me in on Sat...for an upcoming tournament..during my marathon training I was losing weight and muscle tone much too quickly...I weighed in at 109 about 2 weeks after the marathon....I have ganed considerable muscle tone...(I am pretty studly for a tiny woman if I do say so myself..jk) and have gotten to a healthier weight..but recently the scale is creeping a little higher than I wanted it too...well I weighed in at 122....and the dufus with his sweatpants pulled up t his armpits, acdc tshirt and fanny pack told me I had better lose some weight if I am going to run that next marathon...what would make someone...who never even makes it through a whole practice say that to a woman????? ruined my day... abs suck.....nough said...they look awesome from the front but from the side and especially with clothes on they look pouchy....yes I said pouchy....I have no idea how to fix that as the pouchiness is all muscle but the suck and are ugly...for the first time in my life I think I need to wear bikini's as swimwear so people can see that the weird pouchiness is a one piece I just look chubby..I HATE MY ABS

    Oh my 10 year old is doing much better this a result of me being a tad less testy with her I guess
  • This may be tmi, but seriously poed about it. My mom decided for Valentine's Day she would keep both of my children overnight on Saturday to give me some much needed alone time with my husband and a full nights sleep. And so what happens today? My 'female friend' shows up for the first time in about 18 months! Really?!?!?! :sad: I just wanted one night without having to worry about the kids waking up in the middle of something, and I finally get it and all the something is gonna be is me sleeping and miserable! Any way to show my friend out the door quickly?
  • Two part vent today.....First of all, it's 13 degrees today with a windchill hovering around 0. Last night the windchill hit a low of ten below. Why are people letting their little (toddler-preschool age) children walk around with no boots, hat or mittens on? Is is that hard to take care of your child!?! I understand that some people don't have a lot of money, but seriously. Go to a Good Will/Salvation Army/Coats for Kids and ask for help. I would walk around with out winter clothing before I let my child go with out. It's called being a parent.

    Second...Why is it that when someone it trying to eat healthier and exercise to better themselves, others need to make snide remarks about it. No, for your information, I'm not doing the "whole diet thing" I'm changing the way that I eat so that I can be there for my kids, my grandkids (in the far off future) and hopefully my great-grandkids (far far off future). If I don't want the damn cupcake and I said so in a polite way, then let it go!! Maybe, just maybe, having a cupcake at 8:30 a.m. just doen't sound appealing to me.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Pimples, seriously?!?!

    I'm coming up on my 29th birthday (again:wink: ). Most days I wake up cursing the little lines that have started showing up around my eyes. Today I wake up to a break out!:mad:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    When people tell you not to eat more of what you're eating. I can eat more if I want to. Even if it was a cookie... :wink:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Three days and no vents? I'm shocked.
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