Vent Page



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I could do a whole page of vents, I hate that everyone thinks just because I'm a stay at home mom that I don't do anything, really people????? Also I'm not a free babysister just because I'm home during the week, don't get me wrong I don't mind helping someone out here and there but I get asked all the time.
    My other big one is how everyone rolls there eyes when I measure out something or read a label, yes I want to know how and what is going in my mouth. I don't know why it bothers everyone so much.
    My last one will be how people think just because I'm trying to get my family to eat healthy with me that I'm putting my kids on a diet. ITS NOT A DIET ITS HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING. The thing is my kids aren't complaining its everyone else, its usually for something like pop, I don't drink it and I don't allow my kids too but everyone thinks it is just horrible not to let them have it.

    The label thing, I agree with that. They always roll their eyes when I look to see how many calories is in things.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    But what I really hate is people treating my kids funny cuz of the way I dress and the music I listen to.I hate when people act like I cant be a good mom because I like black and crazy music

    I get judged too...I look young, to young for an 8 year old I'm covered in tattoos and piercings...but little do they know I have 7 years of university, a fantastic job making more money than I ever have before, and a super conservative up theirs...I find this especially when I go in for parent teacher interviews...they talk to me like I'm an when I start whipping out the psychology terms they look at me like I have two heads..."weren't expecting that one were ya!"...I am VERY involved in my child's academic career, hence the reason why I do all his Individual Action Plans, and homework with him every night...I'm a single step-mom, cut me some slack!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I could do a whole page of vents, I hate that everyone thinks just because I'm a stay at home mom that I don't do anything, really people????? Also I'm not a free babysister just because I'm home during the week, don't get me wrong I don't mind helping someone out here and there but I get asked all the time.
    My other big one is how everyone rolls there eyes when I measure out something or read a label, yes I want to know how and what is going in my mouth. I don't know why it bothers everyone so much.
    My last one will be how people think just because I'm trying to get my family to eat healthy with me that I'm putting my kids on a diet. ITS NOT A DIET ITS HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING. The thing is my kids aren't complaining its everyone else, its usually for something like pop, I don't drink it and I don't allow my kids too but everyone thinks it is just horrible not to let them have it.

    I was just going to vent about people who think that a stay at home mom doesn't work. My day starts at 5 am because that is the only time I have to exercise. Between driving kids to preschool, dance, dr visits, volunteering at school, speech therapy, eye visits, etc . . . I am never home. I have been home for only an hour today (split into 3 different segments). When my hubby get home, he will discover a sink full of dishes, a couch full of laundry waiting to be folded, and crabby children who needed naps but didn't get them becuase we had too many places to be today. I hate Tuesday!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I belong to a facebook group called "I secretly want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head" Does that count?

    Seriously though. I am considerably grouchier lately. Annnd more verbal about the things that I am grouchy about. I just decided to take a chill pill and realize that my perception may be a little skewed with all the new changes in my life. I get advice from people at work on a daily basis...not asked for, and some are certainly annoying, but if they feel they need to share their knowledge, I am patient. Then I usually just laugh about it later.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:laugh: :laugh: I totaly agree with punching slow walking people in the back of the head. I have long legs and it physicaly pains me to take tiny little baby steps behind them when I'm trying not to step on them. Can we punch the parents who don't control their kids and glare at you when you almost run over the rug rat that jumped infront of you. No offense to any parents here, but seriously I was never allowed to act that way and I turned out just fine. OH OH, I also want to punch my husbands ex-- she really needs to move the hell on.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I could do a whole page of vents, I hate that everyone thinks just because I'm a stay at home mom that I don't do anything, really people????? Also I'm not a free babysister just because I'm home during the week, don't get me wrong I don't mind helping someone out here and there but I get asked all the time.
    My other big one is how everyone rolls there eyes when I measure out something or read a label, yes I want to know how and what is going in my mouth. I don't know why it bothers everyone so much.
    My last one will be how people think just because I'm trying to get my family to eat healthy with me that I'm putting my kids on a diet. ITS NOT A DIET ITS HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING. The thing is my kids aren't complaining its everyone else, its usually for something like pop, I don't drink it and I don't allow my kids too but everyone thinks it is just horrible not to let them have it.

    Some people are just ignorant, I wouldn't drink soda as a kid. I don't remember what it was for, but my dr told my mom once to give me soda for something and ended up having to give me a RX anyway cause I refused to drink soda. Some people just don't like it, and kids tend to do what their parents do, so there is nothing wrong with them liking healthy food and disliking soda. I was a strange kid and would also ask for fruit instead of candy a lot of the time, just personal preference.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I get really annoyed when I cook a meal and then by the time I set down everyone else has their plates already filled ready to eat away. I haven't even made it to the table yet! Then, when they finish eating before me, they just get up and leave me there.

    I'm tempted to quit cooking for them. GRRrrrr....

    I am totally in agreement... When I was growing up, the rule in our house was that the cook didn't have to clear or do the dinner dishes (my parents were "wash up as you go" cooks). I think that's a perfectly reasonable rule. Instituting both portions of that rule is a challenge for me.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I get really annoyed when I cook a meal and then by the time I set down everyone else has their plates already filled ready to eat away. I haven't even made it to the table yet! Then, when they finish eating before me, they just get up and leave me there.

    I'm tempted to quit cooking for them. GRRrrrr....

    This SERIOUSLY pisses me off. :mad: Makes you feel taken for granted. :grumble: I would tell them that they have to set the table, and then once dinner is ready, make THEM bring it to the table for YOU! This way you get to sit for a few. Either that or go on STRIKE! I would not put up with this for one second! :explode:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This thread is going to stay just as high in my My Topics section as my NSV thread! I love it.

    I get so riled up when people assume their way of thinking is superior to others just because it's their way of thinking. How freaking arrogant are you? It especially bothers me on this site, when people - who think they know everything about everyone and every body type - jump down other people's throats for trying certain diets they might not approve of. Give people the space to do what they want, just like you're allowed to do! You don't know their circumstances. Who are you to judge!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I get really annoyed when I cook a meal and then by the time I set down everyone else has their plates already filled ready to eat away. I haven't even made it to the table yet! Then, when they finish eating before me, they just get up and leave me there.

    I'm tempted to quit cooking for them. GRRrrrr....

    This SERIOUSLY pisses me off. :mad: Makes you feel taken for granted. :grumble: I would tell them that they have to set the table, and then once dinner is ready, make THEM bring it to the table for YOU! This way you get to sit for a few. Either that or go on STRIKE! I would not put up with this for one second! :explode:

    I'm almost 30 now, but even when I go back home to my parents house for holidays I am totally guilty of this. Granted, my mom always tells us to, but it's probably only because she's resigned herself that it'll happen anyway. I will pay more attention and be careful not to fill my plate until everyone is seated. Thanks for this perspective!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    let's have such a pretty face....if you could just lose your weight.....

    and what I'd like to say is.... you'd be much nicer...if you could just lose your tongue.

    LMFAO Ok that one was good. Thanks. Needed that. :)
  • fitmom4ever
    Ok, so I know this rant may be a little controversial on a weight loss site, but it's been on my mind and I need to get it off, so here goes.....
    I hate how people who have a lot of weight to lose look at me with disgust when I join a conversation about weight loss. They claim to belong to gyms and groups that will support anyone trying to lose weight, but if I walk into one of their support groups I get rolled eyes and dirty looks. Just because I only have 10 pounds to lose does not make my weight loss any less significant or difficult than yours.
    I feel just as badly about my body and my health as some of them do, and struggle constantly to eat right and exercise, often failing. I get no support at home, especially since my DH and DD are practically underweight and are actually trying to gain weight right now. And I feel totally shut out from the weight loss support groups at the local gym due to the reactions of most of the members there who have 40 plus pounds to lose. What happened to the 'support' when I walked through the door?
    I'm just glad I found this site and really hope this place is different from all my previous experiences.
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    the problem: Slow metabolism

    the rant/vent:
    I have been strict (but not too strict) on my calories, on my exercise, and on my water. I have been good about fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and cutting down sugar, and cutting down sodium, ad nauseum. I trawl the forum here for advice, (like a fish trawler, not an internet troll), I change my diet to see different results.

    i do cardio, I do weight lifting, I'm on the C25K, I do war games on the weekends.

    and I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months.
    I am NOT a small person! I have a lot to lose and right now I'm stuck at the pace where I can't even lose 5 pounds a month no matter how hard I try!
    Slow and steady?! I feel like I'm going so slow I'm going BACKWARDS. I could scream and cry and curse the sky but where am I left? Alone, crying, miserable, and hoarse. and fat.
    I am 24 and I have the metabolism of a 50 year old! I drink tea, I eat cayenne in my oatmeal (quite good actually), fibre bars, I walk as much as I can at work, I can't remember the last time I really truly threw caution to the wind and pigged the heck out..

    And what's more? I've lost 25 pounds since I bought the jeans that I am wearing right this moment and they are STILL snug. SNUG LIKE THE DAY I BOUGHT THEM.

    I still huff and puff after going up 3 flights of stairs, every day.
    Every day I wake up, check the scale and say "I'm still doing this, I'm working hard, the weight will come off" but today feels like one of those days where I am lying to myself.

    I can't even entertain the idea of giving up now.

    But I can still be mad.
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I know how you feel! One time i was in the grocery store getting lunch and i got about a 1/2 cup of macaroni salad and this lady who i've never met before leans over to me and says...we'll you're certainly not going to lose weight that way are you. i was really insulted and I didn't want to eat anymore after hearing that :(
    I so would of told her off in front of everybody. people are so rude. Unbeliveable don't you wish you could just scream when you meet someone who is that rude.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    So tired of coming home from working all day and then going to school at night and finding my house to be a mess! My Husband and I dont have children but we do have his elderly Mom and Step dad living with us.
    His stepdad is such a pig!!! On top of the fact that he thinks that my Mother In Law is his personal maid, he wastes electricity. he leaves things running and lights on and when i opened my Electric Bill it was almost $500!!!!!!!!!! When they weren't living with us it was an average of $250!! that is double!!!!!! I cannot stand the man but they seem to come as a packaged deal. I am very open about how i feel about him and he knows it. I have a long list of reasons but mostly because he is a lazy worthless lump! I can't kick him out because she will go with him and she cannot afford to live anywhere else because they dont have much money which is why they live with us.
    The messiness within my home isnt my Hubby because he is just as big of a clean freak as me! It is all my father in law and I feel bad that my Mother in law thinks that it is her fault that she didn't do a good enough job at cleaning up after her pig when i come home angry! Once i am done with Nursing school I am kicking them out with my financial assistance for them to live somewhere else on their own because I am going insane with them in my house!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    So tired of coming home from working all day and then going to school at night and finding my house to be a mess! My Husband and I dont have children but we do have his elderly Mom and Step dad living with us.
    His stepdad is such a pig!!! On top of the fact that he thinks that my Mother In Law is his personal maid, he wastes electricity. he leaves things running and lights on and when i opened my Electric Bill it was almost $500!!!!!!!!!! When they weren't living with us it was an average of $250!! that is double!!!!!! I cannot stand the man but they seem to come as a packaged deal. I am very open about how i feel about him and he knows it. I have a long list of reasons but mostly because he is a lazy worthless lump! I can't kick him out because she will go with him and she cannot afford to live anywhere else because they dont have much money which is why they live with us.
    The messiness within my home isnt my Hubby because he is just as big of a clean freak as me! It is all my father in law and I feel bad that my Mother in law thinks that it is her fault that she didn't do a good enough job at cleaning up after her pig when i come home angry! Once i am done with Nursing school I am kicking them out with my financial assistance for them to live somewhere else on their own because I am going insane with them in my house!
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    I want to start screaming (and slapping fools around) every time people who have not seen me in a while (we are talking YEARS here) come up to me and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is "Oh my, what happened to you? Last time I saw you you were so small and fit! You used to have a really nice body!" or "Wow, you gained weight!"... All I want to say is "Wow you got old!" or "Wow, you got uglier"... or "Wow, how rude are you??"
    Then they go on to tell me how everyone tells them THEY have not changed and I just have to bite my lip to stop from asking "Have you looked at tyour self in the mirror??"
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    OK Got a new Vent entirely off the food subject. When my kids get invited to a party/gathering with only a few days notice and no official invitation. :grumble: Now I am supposed to jump up and get them there :/ What happened to the good old days when if you wanted someone to come you send them an invitation with plenty of notice :angry:
    Totally agree my son does the same thing to me. oh mom i have a party to go to get a present like 2 days before. that just makes me pissed.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I seriously posted something on here a few hours, but I don't guess it went through. Blah internet. I'll try to remember...

    I was eating lunch today and reading at house, smiling at the cute parts. Someone says "Stop laughing/smiling, people are going to think you're crazy."
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I seriously posted something on here a few hours, but I don't guess it went through. Blah internet. I'll try to remember...

    I was eating lunch today and reading at house, smiling at the cute parts. Someone says "Stop laughing/smiling, people are going to think you're crazy."

    I do that all the time. One night I was reading the last Twilight and laughing out loud about the blond jokes, my husband had to ask me what was so funny I distracted him fom his video game.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I seriously posted something on here a few hours, but I don't guess it went through. Blah internet. I'll try to remember...

    I was eating lunch today and reading at house, smiling at the cute parts. Someone says "Stop laughing/smiling, people are going to think you're crazy."

    I do that all the time. One night I was reading the last Twilight and laughing out loud about the blond jokes, my husband had to ask me what was so funny I distracted him fom his video game.

    LOL. I absolutely love Twilight! I've read it over and over again, and am currently reading it. Thanks, though, that made me feel better about it. :smile: