Vent Page



  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Oooops posted twice cant find delete :/
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member

    That woman needed a drop is not anyone's business to discuss your health/size etc with your kids...
    HAHAHAHAHA How I wish I could use some of my new kick boxing moves on the "rude" in our society!!!!! Crack me up needed a drop kick lmao I just pictured myself totally drop kicking someone :P :laugh:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    People who say, "It's alright for you to eat healhtier. I just can't give up _________ (fill in the blank)" Like I don't love chocolate and ice cream and all the rest.:explode:

    And you can't forget when they eat things in front of you.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    When people commenting on what you're eating.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    OK Got a new Vent entirely off the food subject. When my kids get invited to a party/gathering with only a few days notice and no official invitation. :grumble: Now I am supposed to jump up and get them there :/ What happened to the good old days when if you wanted someone to come you send them an invitation with plenty of notice :angry:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I get really annoyed when I cook a meal and then by the time I set down everyone else has their plates already filled ready to eat away. I haven't even made it to the table yet! Then, when they finish eating before me, they just get up and leave me there.

    I'm tempted to quit cooking for them. GRRrrrr....

    My kids start asking me for seconds before I sit down the first time. That gets me. But, once they are finished and leave I can eat in peace:)
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    Refuse to buy them unless they are on sale. Diet Pepsi fiend hubby over here. I tried a 3 a day limit on him but it often goes to 4. Considering we eat so healthy I spend a maximum of $150 a month on groceries & essentials ($40 of which is Diet Pepsi on sale) on average $80-110 a month its no big deal. There are worse habits to have but its $3 a 12 pack or NO POP FOR YOU!! (If you got the Soup Nazi Seinfeld reference there, thanks!

    Here’s the mini fridge we put into our theatre room (4th bedroom) but don’t show your hubby, he’ll get ideas LOL!

    How do only spend 150.00 a month on groceries? What am I doing wroung ? Please tell
  • gentlangl15
    gentlangl15 Posts: 1 Member
    I just got my degree in criminal justice and am applying for police academies. This typically comes up in conversations, but most people don't seem to approve. They all think I should be going to law school because I'll make more money that way. If I wanted to be a lawyer, I would! I would make an AWFUL lawyer. They don't listen to me when I say that, however, because they spend the rest of the conversation trying to convince me to change my mind. I think I have a better idea of what I want for my life than a complete stranger!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    :grumble: Why is it that when I go to the gym and get on ANY cardio equipment, that someone who runs extremely fast and weighs NOTHING always gets beside me?? There's always tons of other equipment available when this happens!

    Do they prey on big slow people?? Does it make them feel better to be beside someone slow? lmao!! GRRRrrr!! Go away so I can sweat and breathe hard alone! :grumble: :angry:
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    This has nothing to do with is just a vent.

    So, all of my family lives in Texas (I live in North Caroina). I only make it to Texas during the summer and my family NEVER comes to visit me. I told my mom the other day that I will not be able to make it for a visit this summer because the cost of airfare for 4 people is just too much and we won't be able to drive (2 days there and 2 days back) in the amount of time that we are off (husband can't get two weeks off back-to-back).

    So my mom called me the other day and said she had wonderful news. She would be coming to visit for my son's 3rd birthday at the end of May. She also mentioned that she would be bringing my nephew with her (he is 4). Great! So glad that she will be coming I haven't seen her since the summer and I miss her terribly. So the world is perfect, right? WRONG!

    She calls me yesterday to tell me that she can't get time off at the end of May. Could my son have his birthday party the following weekend (begining of June). SURE! I'll change his party so you can come. No big deal. I want to see you.
    Then she says....oh wait, Logan's (my nephew) birthday is going to be that Monday and his mom won't want him to be gone the weekend right before he turns 5. Sorry...I won't be able to go after all.

    ARGGGH!!! :mad: :explode: :devil:
    Here's an idea Mom....come by yourself and don't bring Logan with you!! Or come visit me during the summer when I'm off of work.

    Oh, but no...Logan is her baby and she has to be in town for his birthday and he has to travel wherever she goes.

    Sorry...I'm just sooooooo annoyed. My mom is by best friend (aside from my husband) and I hate living so far away from her (moved to NC for DH's job...not because we wanted to). I hate that she is not close to my kids (both physically and emotionally). I hate that I don't get to spend time with her and that she is only willing to come visit me if she can bring my nephew with her. :sad:

    Ok...enough of my pitty party. I feel better now.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I really hate when peole say "it is what it is" that really gets me.Or when they say "everything happens for a reason" It makes me want to say dont worry when I punch you in the face it happend for a reason
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    But what I really hate is people treating my kids funny cuz of the way I dress and the music I listen to.I hate when people act like I cant be a good mom because I like black and crazy music
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    :grumble: Why is it that when I go to the gym and get on ANY cardio equipment, that someone who runs extremely fast and weighs NOTHING always gets beside me?? There's always tons of other equipment available when this happens!

    Do they prey on big slow people?? Does it make them feel better to be beside someone slow? lmao!! GRRRrrr!! Go away so I can sweat and breathe hard alone! :grumble: :angry:

    I pick my treadmill by the TV I will be able to see...I hate when that means that I will be between two people when there are others open that are bit more...well open...but I have to watch my deperate housewives of LA when I run forever...LOL
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    But what I really hate is people treating my kids funny cuz of the way I dress and the music I listen to.I hate when people act like I cant be a good mom because I like black and crazy music

    I bet you are a great mom...
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    :grumble: Why is it that when I go to the gym and get on ANY cardio equipment, that someone who runs extremely fast and weighs NOTHING always gets beside me?? There's always tons of other equipment available when this happens!

    Do they prey on big slow people?? Does it make them feel better to be beside someone slow? lmao!! GRRRrrr!! Go away so I can sweat and breathe hard alone! :grumble: :angry:
    Hahaha sounds like those people need a tae bo drop kick too! :laugh:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    What's annoying me at the moment is the fact that The Biggest Loser is going to get interrupted tonight. :sad: I HAVE to watch that show!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What's annoying me at the moment is the fact that The Biggest Loser is going to get interrupted tonight. :sad: I HAVE to watch that show!

    Why is it going to get interrupted?

    Most everyone I work with knows I don't eat our food (I work in a pizza restaurant, and I even bring in my own dinner every night.) So often, this one girl will say "Want to share a pizza?" I always reply with a simple "No thank you." She'll sometimes go on to say something like "Come on, we'll get this type, it's healthy. The only bad thing is the crust." I reply to her "Yes, the crust, the pound of cheese on it, the oil that's added to the toppings, etc." Drives me crazy. RARELY will I eat our food. The other day she asked "If there wasn't goat cheese on this, would you eat it?" I said "Not today", as in "it's not a cheat day". She rolled her eyes and laughed. She's so judgmental, if you think my heating habits are crazy, then don't ask me about them or make me feel like a freak.

    When she gets extra judgy, I tell her "It's okay. You're young. I ate like that too when I was 25. It'll catch up to you someday, you'll see. Then you won't think I'm crazy."
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What's annoying me at the moment is the fact that The Biggest Loser is going to get interrupted tonight. :sad: I HAVE to watch that show!

    I just looked and i don't think it's going to be interrupted, I think it's just shortened to one hour instead of two.
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I could do a whole page of vents, I hate that everyone thinks just because I'm a stay at home mom that I don't do anything, really people????? Also I'm not a free babysister just because I'm home during the week, don't get me wrong I don't mind helping someone out here and there but I get asked all the time.
    My other big one is how everyone rolls there eyes when I measure out something or read a label, yes I want to know how and what is going in my mouth. I don't know why it bothers everyone so much.
    My last one will be how people think just because I'm trying to get my family to eat healthy with me that I'm putting my kids on a diet. ITS NOT A DIET ITS HEALTHY WAY OF LIVING. The thing is my kids aren't complaining its everyone else, its usually for something like pop, I don't drink it and I don't allow my kids too but everyone thinks it is just horrible not to let them have it.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    What's annoying me at the moment is the fact that The Biggest Loser is going to get interrupted tonight. :sad: I HAVE to watch that show!

    I just looked and i don't think it's going to be interrupted, I think it's just shortened to one hour instead of two.

    Yeah, it'll just be one hour. The president is speaking or something like that. But still, I'd rather watch my two hours of the BL. :wink: