

  • Great post richard - we all have good and bad days and being honest about both that keeps you going with the weight loss! Before I joined My Fit Pal I lost 40lb calorie.counting using a pad a paper and that took me about 10 months Jessica - slow and steady helps you keep it off. I still have about 30 lbs to go too! And…
  • Why are diet sodas so bad? They have very few calories? Can someone educate me please?
  • Hi Jessica!! It would be great to link and support each other - like you I'm going to try and do a bit of exercise at least 5x a week. This week I did Mon-Thurs with a day off today and plan to do a longer session tomorrow. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated though so its great to have people to chat too!! I sometimes…
  • Welcome!! Like you I'm not new to dieting and before this tried WW where I did lose about 12lb but then actually started counting calories myself as I hit a plateuau for weeks at WW and actually started putting a lb on! ...I lost another 25lb counting calories- I used to use a little pad and pencil to record everything but…
  • Hi primrosehill! As u can see there are lots of us big busted girlies on here!! I am currently a 34HH and over the last two years have lost 30lb (before I joined FIT PAL). I dropped inches in my back but not really my cup as I was a 40GG when I started. I'm hoping to lose another 30lb and really hope that some weight comes…
  • I'm planning to do a 30-45 mins run outside later if weather stays nice- I've done xtrainer at gym the last two nights so a change of scenery will be good!!!
  • SW - 196 CW - 188 GW - 158 This would get me to my goal weight - v. Excited!! I've also signed up to running a half marathon in October in Birmingham so this is great timing!! Good luck everyone!! Feel free to add me as a pal - we can support each other!!
  • I need to know about this 'fat girl' angle!! :-) I don't have a double chin normally but it appears sometimes when I smile on photos and I hate it!!! I know losing weight will help and I'm doing that but until then what ate your tips for a good pose???
  • I know exactly what you mean on the boob front - I'm a 34H and love running...just hate the jiggle! There are some good sports bras out there like the others say. Shock absorber do a special 'run' one that has special bits seem in to stop the jiggle associated with the running action. Also I do find that mine don't move as…
  • I know exactly what you mean on the boob front - I'm a 34H and love running...just hate the jiggle! There are some good sports bras out there like the others say. Shock absorber do a special 'run' one that has special bits seem in to stop the jiggle associated with the running action. Also I do find that mine don't move as…
  • Amazing achievement congratulations-you Must feel very proud. Wishing you all the best for your future happy and healthy life!! Any tips to share?