

  • Fage 2% is my favorite. I'll put almonds in it or eat it with carrots or even protein bars.. I also use it in salad dressings (just flavor) or as sour cream.
  • Put it in the microwave as many have suggested. The oven is fantastic, but sometimes takes a bit too long. Once you've microwaved it, it shreds to look just like spaghetti. I toss with a bit of butter and lemon infused sea salt and use as a side dish. You can also mix it with fresh crushed tomatos and some turkey sausage.…
  • I'm getting back on my plan. For some reason, the plan just disappeared. Good thing it reappeared!
  • When I started my life style change, I was shocked at how little I was eating. I discovered, as many shared, that it's eating the right carbs and eating all meals. I was a huge breakfast skipper. Once I started eating breakfast, my body realized that I wasn't starving and therefore was no longer storing fat. I also…
  • Me too!
  • Chocolate and chips . . . two of my weaknesses as well. To help curb my chip addiction, I'm an air popped pop corn girl. You can get no calorie, low carb flavorings at Target (just be careful of the sodium). The pop corn tends to fill me up and helps with the need for salt. Chocolate is a different monster all together. I…
  • Hi. I'm Hillery. I've been a big girl all my life and now that I'm just about 40, I realize I'm going to have to work super hard to get off the weight and change my life style. Before I found myfitnesspal, I lost 50 pounds over 6 months due to my thyroid being removed and the dreaded d word (diabetes). I'm looking forward…
  • Take the classes. They were huge for me. I'd already mastered food portion sizes and was losing weight before the classes, but once I took the classes, I actually knew why my blood sugar levels had gone way down. With that said, I'm still not a good tester. Every time I've tested since my first diagnosis, I've been low. My…
  • Hi. I'm Hillery. I was diagnosed as Type 2 in August of 2011 when I was having my thyroid removed. It is odd that I found the d word (diabetes) more frightening than the c word (cancer). I was put on metforman for a short time, but changed my life style quickly. I lost about 50 pounds over six weeks. I'm now at a plateau.…