Eating more calories, but gaining weight



  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I was in the same boat. My calories were set to 1300 a day but I was closer to a net of 1000 after exercise and I was gaining. I wasn't eating enough at all. I was terrified but decided to eat my calories back and stay at the 1300. I gained 3 more pounds in a week but was told repeatedly to give it time. Soooo glad I did! My body adjusted and the scale is finally moving, I feel better, my mood is more stable and the mental fog is better. I don't know your circumstances or diet but I also have insulin resistance and metabolic resistance due to an under active Thyroid. If you happen to be insulin sensitive...get tired after meals, carbs make you sleepy...switching to whole grains, avoiding refined sugar and upping your protein can be a way to boost your metabolism. It takes a while for the body to catch on. Metabolic resistance is a tricky beast and doesn't want to let go of fat stores. It will give up if you keep fighting, it's just a longer process and a few more sacrifices to get there. Keep your cals to AT LEAST 1200, eat those exercise calories back no matter how scary that is and the pay off will come for you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    How much did you up your calories by? And how long are you track it? BTW, if you don't eat enough, your body can easily gain weight through excessive water or slowing the metabolism to where if you eat more calories, you gain very quickly.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I think you should stay off the scale, and gauge your progress by your activity level, energy and how fit you feel each day. Weighing yourself every day will drive you nuts, because it will fluctuate. If you are only eating 1200 calories a day on average, and being more active you will lose weight. Try to weigh yourself only once a week, same time of day (first thing in the morning maybe). I know it's tempting to get on the scale to find reinforcement when you're feeling good or motivation when you're not, but it's not a full picture. You want to lose slow and steady, and you can't see a daily change. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it.
  • When I started my life style change, I was shocked at how little I was eating. I discovered, as many shared, that it's eating the right carbs and eating all meals. I was a huge breakfast skipper. Once I started eating breakfast, my body realized that I wasn't starving and therefore was no longer storing fat. I also realized, once visiting with my dietitian, that I had to balance the carbs out with my protein and fiber. I lost 50 pounds wihtin 6 months by eating more. I'm now hitting a plateau and am truly focusing on balanced carb and protein meals.
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks Everyoe for the input...I'll try eating my exercise cal. back as well, and keep track of the sodium and carbs. I know I need to commit more fully to's my one bad weakness. As with all of us or we wouldn't be on here...LOL I appreciate all the help and advice...I'll make it, just a tough spot.
  • Thanks for the tip. I will try that and watch for results in the next weeks.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Two more things to keep in mind. You need to eat 3500 calories more than your TDEE in a week to equate 1 lb of fat. And it generally takes a month for your body to adjust to a new routine.
  • LucyvdPelt
    LucyvdPelt Posts: 34 Member
    when i have to eat my calories back i go for nuts - plain & unsalted - they have loads of nutrients and at more than 600kcal per 100g you easily reach your limit