

  • sorry I didn't post my weigh in for week one.. I'm down 2 lbs, now at 114 lbs! :) My weigh in day is monday
  • I started it monday too, its a great workout... deff kicks my butt!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I am deff in!! I was just thinking that I AM going to be a MILF before summer's end! haha SW 116
    in TEAM MILF Comment by hot2b86 May 2011
  • Unless u have a heart rate monitor, it will b hard to tell exactly.. I just type in aerobics-high impact and type in 50 min... thats the closest way ive found.
  • Well I am starting tomorrow morning... wish me luck! And good luck to any of u who are also starting with me :happy:
  • I dont know how to add it, i think u would either have to use a heart rate monitor or break it up between the cardio and strenth training
  • I just checked out all the info u put and thanks... that really cleared up a lot of questions!
  • Do all HRM's show calories burned?.. I'm looking at a few right now on ebay. Wondering what is the best to get...
  • Thats my plan too, mon, wed, fri doing the video.. then running tues, thurs and wknds off. Monday is my start date!.. let me know if u join also :happy:
  • I just started taking it regularly about a wk ago, so havent really noticed anything yet but i know alot of people that swear by it and am looking forward to seeing some results from it.
  • Well, this is it... starting monday, I will begin this DVD. I will do it 3 days a wk, every other day and try to get up and jog in the morn inbetween those days. I've lost 2 lbs in 5 days w/ out working out good so I think I can get some good results from this! Come monday, I will be on my way to a new me! :ohwell: Lets…
  • Its about 50 min long but broken down into 7 diff circuits just like the "banish fat, boost metabolism".. ive also got that one too. THis one tho, u need 2 or 3 lb weights, its a great workout and u can for sure feel it ALL over the next cpl days!
  • Yes, its very affordable... I bought that one and another DVD w it and it was only about $17.
  • it has to be organic bc that is what has the "mother" in it and thats got all the enzymes.. there is no benefit from using the ones right from the store, they have been pasturized
  • I'm glad to see that there are others out there using this. Ive just read a lil about all the good things it does for you, but Im very excited to start seeing and feeling the benefits of using it everyday!
  • I love green tea and have been drinking it for years now.. Its an every morning thing for sure and more when I can. I read in one of my fitness mags that by drinking 2 cups of green tea everyday, u will lose 11 lbs in a year.. that might now seem like alot but thats w/o dieting or exercising. The benefits of green tea are…
    in Green tea Comment by hot2b86 August 2010
  • I just had a baby girl 6 months ago and decided that I want to be in the best shape of my life now for me and for her... so here I am, hoping to stick w this and reach my goals. I just started 3 days ago but am still proud of myself for not falling behind. Being able to track my progress and see it right in front of me…