

  • I had a goal of being able to go across the monkey bars by the time I turned 40. My kids were preschool age and I kept trying and trying. I wanted to show my son who was in therapy for coordination problems that if I could do it he could. I was embarrased when another mom was looking at me. I felt like a goofball. Then…
  • Wow! We wonder why obesity is becoming an epidemic for children. You might want to incorporate some simple exercises into the classroom. Your school's occupational therapist may have some ideas on integrating some physical exercise into the day to help all of you out. School is so demanding on teachers and kids and there…
  • What a great deal to do with both the smoking cessation and loosing weight. It will be really hard, but how wonderful for your health! If you mess up, stop and start again. Don't wait for a weekend to get back on the waggon or for a date. Just say, OK I messed up, I'm putting the chips down right this minutes and getting…
  • I'm new to the site and started barefoot walking last summer. It dramatically helped my knees and ankles, but I started out really slow. With the cold weather I didn't do much in the winter. I'm trying to get back on track. Is anyone else barefoot walking out there?
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