
So today is a beautiful day and I would love to go for a walk but can't seem to get myself up and out of the house. I've always been embarassed by my size and am worried about what other people think about me strolling around town. I know it shouldnt matter to me but its a demon Im having a hard time dealing with...


  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    So today is a beautiful day and I would love to go for a walk but can't seem to get myself up and out of the house. I've always been embarassed by my size and am worried about what other people think about me strolling around town. I know it shouldnt matter to me but its a demon Im having a hard time dealing with...
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    i used to feel the same way, and even though i've lost weight i STILL feel that way sometimes!

    think of it this way, though: you're walking around people you'll never see again! but if you do see them again, you'll want them to notice you lost weight, right?

    get out there girl, get some fresh air....:flowerforyou:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    even after losing 72 lbs I feel that way. It is you judging yourself. Stop doing that right now.

    Love the body you have and be greatful you can still walk.:smile:
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    thanks girls, i think i might as well!!!!
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    try this let them see you the way you are right now, out walking around and keep walking around after sometime there will less and less of you to see. you might just inspire other people to get out and start walking, and if it's God's will, you'll form a group.

    Good luck
  • Blue50
    Blue50 Posts: 11
    Look at like this:

    What other people thought didn't stop you from getting to where your at.
    So why should it stop you from going to where you want to be!

    Put the rubber on the road and go!

    Good Luck!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    oh wow, I feel sad for you, don't ever let a strangers judgement or opinion of you dictate anything in your life....THEY are NOTHING to you, their opinion means sh**. my two cents, and if they are shallow enough to express displeasure your way, then they have more issues with their own selves, sometimes people poke fun at others because they lack self esteem in themselves. If anything you should pity them! GOSH I FREAKING HATE RUDE PEOPLE!!!! why do they care how you choose to live your life...GRRRRRR :explode:
    sorry about my grammar...french is my first language, and I sooo struggle with english! :blushing:
  • paula123
    paula123 Posts: 91
    I feel this way at the gym sometimes but I just try to suck it up and mind my own business.If your really that worried maybe go for a walk at the park if you have some trails around your house? I went to the park yesterday and did some of my cardio there and tried another members idea of doing step ups on the park bench!
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    I'm in the same boat! I hate going out because I feel like people are always staring! You're on your way to a better life, so try not to let it stop you!!
  • Bexey
    Bexey Posts: 2
    Hey there!
    Someone once said something to me which at the time I thought was pretty nasty but since then its done me so much good and made me feel much more confident & I hope it does the same for you. I was telling this girl how paranoid I was & felt everyone was looking & talking about me & she replied "Why should they be talking about you?!" I was pretty floored but actually when I thought about it I thought well yeah. Besides if they're talking about you negatively it's only because there is something wrong inside them & they need to make themselves feel better. I've often found that the more confident the person the more insecure they are -they're just really well practised at hiding it! No matter who you are there will always be someone who is slimmer, more beautiful, with more money or what you envisage to be the perfect life but there will also be someone looking at you thinking the same. Get out there girlie & hold your head high - you're as good as anyone else!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I sometimes feel that way at the gym, but lately I just dont care! I even took a Latin impact class at the gym this past week, and there was alot of wiggling of the hips and such, I just did it... just DO IT! it will be ok, and you will feel so good about yourself when you are done!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok...........so you wont be alone................we will all go with you!

    Cmon MFP lets go for a walk!!

    (:blushing: btw I did the Powerflex class at the gym today......in the FRONT of the class!! we have all been there sweetie!:flowerforyou: )
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Some people might judge you. You're right! Buuuut, also remember that some people might be really inspired by you. Someone in the same shape as you might look at you and think, yeah! She's doing it... I can do it too!

    You just might change someone's life today, just by walking, and you wouldn't even know it. :smile:
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    I felt the same way too.
    When I walk my dog at night I have started (wogging) not quite a jog more then a walk:happy:
    today when we walked through the park today i did it in broad day light. We are here for you:bigsmile:
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    thanks girls, all those posts were great. I did go walking actually and i made it over a mile, i called my mom and told her i was going to walk over and visit and when she told me it was too far i knew i had to do it, so i did. It was the first mile i have walked in years and very proud to say it only took me 25 minutes :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm so glad you overcame it and went for a walk. I struggle with the same thing, and usually choose to run at night...and it's so silly. When I see someone walking or running outside, regardless of their size, my first thought is, "Way to go-- good for them." Why can't I assume others look at me and say the same thing?

    We're too hard on ourselves, ladies-- good for you that you got out there today-- way to go!!!!!!!!
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    thanks girls, all those posts were great. I did go walking actually and i made it over a mile, i called my mom and told her i was going to walk over and visit and when she told me it was too far i knew i had to do it, so i did. It was the first mile i have walked in years and very proud to say it only took me 25 minutes :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I'm glad to see your all grown about it.

    As soon as mom says you can't do it, you head out and start walking.

    you show them
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I am so glad you went out and walked! YEAH for YOU! Not just for walking but for getting over your fear.

    There haven't been many walkers around here since it's been a long winter. But there is one lady who I would sometimes see last year. I saw her today and she is walking farther now and looking thinner. So keep walking! You might encourage someone else.
  • kasullivan2
    I had a goal of being able to go across the monkey bars by the time I turned 40. My kids were preschool age and I kept trying and trying. I wanted to show my son who was in therapy for coordination problems that if I could do it he could.

    I was embarrased when another mom was looking at me. I felt like a goofball. Then something happened. She told me she admired me and thought it was great I was doing that. Just because people notice you or even stare, doesn't mean they think ill of you.

    What a great motivator you must be to other women who feel like they are too big to go for a walk. Think of yourself as the hero out there motivating other folks that may not be a size three! You go girl. PS I can get across the monkey bars and so can my son now!
  • amyalwaysonline6
    Everyday on my way to work there was this guy walking, and he was a large guy. He had his shorts on and his sweat band, same time everyday, no matter the weather. I was inspired by this guy. Then I moved, and I didn't see him for awhile, and I saw him recently, and he was half the size he was before. I was proud of him. I don't know that I could do something like that. Not everyone is judging you, and no one judges you like you do yourself. Somebody could see you walking, and you could inspire them. You could change somebody's life.