Mandie800 Member


  • You have lost 60 lbs!! You have plenty of discipline! Thanks for the input - I hope to be where you are in 6 months!
  • Ok I just changed my settings to include sodium so I will pay more attention to that - thank you to everyone for the encouragement. It is very helpful to hear that it happens to other people. I am also going to try a weight class soon cuz I have only been concentrating on cardio and my zumba instructor said weights…
  • Ok it's public, now I am nervous lol. I just took my measurements a couple of days ago so can't use that yet - I do feel much better overall so I am just going to focus on that for now........hopefully next week will be better.
  • Hmmmm guess I don't know how to do that... help please :)
  • I tried my first class last week and somehow managed to get into the most outrageous one at the gym (according to the other girls there.) Other than liking to dance a little when I've been out drinking, thats the extent of my dance experience. I really enjoyed it. Now granted, I couldn't keep up with the instructor or the…
  • Just made this - it is really good! I followed recipe exactly and then just added some extra seasoning of Cayenne pepper for more heat and some garlic salt. I poured a serving over a baked potato - Delicious!
  • Per other suggestions on here, the instructors advice, and other people in the class with body bugs, I list it under high impact aerobics and the calorie burn seems pretty accurate. For me it was 749 calories burned for 60 minutes.
    in Zumba Comment by Mandie800 March 2011
  • I think you are being way harder on yourself than you should be - I imagine most of the people in your life agree :) You really do look fantastic at 190 lbs. I'm just starting my weight loss journey but ultimately my goal is to drop the weight before I get pregnant too (turning 30 in a couple weeks blah.) I definitely…