No weight loss this week (week 2) - Frustrated!!

Mandie800 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
:frown: Ok, it's end of week two and I weighed in today and I didn't lose anything. I am still only down 2 lbs from last week. I had 1 day that wasn't so great this week, but did pretty freaking good the rest of it so I am frustrated and a bit down. Is this normal - I know I've heard week 2 can be hard but I thought for sure I would at least lose 1 lb!

I've been thinking about it and every other time I have started a weight loss journey I think it has always been near week 2 or 3 that I don't lose weight and always in the past I have just given up. I am aware of this and I am not going to give up, I am going to push through but I'm not feeling very motivated today....


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Open your food diary so we can see what you eat
  • Mandie800
    Mandie800 Posts: 10 Member
    Hmmmm guess I don't know how to do that... help please :)
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    keep in mind everyone's body is different and works differently, but I find if I give myself a rest day from exercise at least twice a week, I lose more. I still eat healthy and follow my calorie intake but I skip the hard cardio. might do some strength training but not a whole lot!

    don't give up! it will start working in your favor eventually :happy:

  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Settings, diary settings then change to public
  • IanGiles
    IanGiles Posts: 54
    Did you way yourself under the same conditions? Time of the day, had you eaten the last time you weighed in?
  • Maybe you are losing inches. I was frustrated at first because I wasn't losing as quickly as I wanted to but I put on some clothes that use to fit snug and they had room in them. As a matter of fact today, I have on some jeans that I haven't been able to wear in a year.

    Don't give up, keep at it. It will pay off in the end.
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    If you stay accountable to your food and commit to exercise as best you can, you WILL see results. Guaranteed!!!
  • Mandie800
    Mandie800 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok it's public, now I am nervous lol. I just took my measurements a couple of days ago so can't use that yet - I do feel much better overall so I am just going to focus on that for now........hopefully next week will be better.
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    this is very common. same thing happens to me and i get very very frustrated too, in fact i had weigh in day on wednesday and lost nothing and so i decided to eat everything in sight! don't be like me haha. you will have a big weight loss coming soon!!! i've heard it takes 2 or 3 weeks for a lot of people so don't worry!
  • Sammyk50
    Sammyk50 Posts: 77 Member
    That sounds like a very common story. Happened to me in the beginning. Slow going at first. Then it kicked in. Keep working it. It will work just don't quit, don't give up, one day at a time :)
  • Irmalinda210
    Irmalinda210 Posts: 2 Member
    How can I do that? How can I open my food diary? make it public for people to see?.....I've lost 28 pounds since December, 14 since Ive joined the MyFitnessPal...After 2 months, I hit a plateau and it lasted a month!...But, i didn't give up...kept exercising and watching my food intake....I think its too early for you to start plateauing in the 2nd week.
  • I posted the same thing today. But look at the positives, you are exercising.. Also, take notice of the things that have changed.. Are your clothes fitting differently, do you have more energy, etc. Keep at it!!!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    You go over yur sodium every day, this may have something to do with it. Keep going ... Doing good
  • Sammyk50
    Sammyk50 Posts: 77 Member
    So many people give up to quick. If only they had pushed through. You are that close to losing.
  • Irmalinda210
    Irmalinda210 Posts: 2 Member
    Got it...
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    I agree with others that if you feel comfy opening your food diary we may be able to help you by giving you alternatives. Also, like mentioned try taking your body measurements and then retake them only once a week or every two weeks. As you do more strengthening you are building muscle and burning more fat. I saw a difference of 2 inches in my waist, 1/2 inch in each thigh and and can't remember off hand the chest and hips. At the same time the scale only moved like 0.8 lbs. The new measurements gave me the courage to try on tops and jeans I couldn't wear last summer and they fit now with room to spare!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well, if you are working out and lifting weights, you may not loose too much but you will see some loss in inches. I am going through that now. I fit in some smaller pants, but the stinking scale says the same encouraged, stay encouraged. Know that if you watch the calories and workout the weight has to come off...there just isn't an option. Also sodium is key and know when you have TOM TOM visiting, you will actually gain weight because of water retention. It was a shocker for me first time around:-)
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Weight can fluctuate due to hormones, water or gained muscle. I seem to lose weight every 2 weeks but lose lots of inches. Take your measurements. Stick with it, it will happen!
  • Mandie800
    Mandie800 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok I just changed my settings to include sodium so I will pay more attention to that - thank you to everyone for the encouragement. It is very helpful to hear that it happens to other people. I am also going to try a weight class soon cuz I have only been concentrating on cardio and my zumba instructor said weights important too... I'm not giving up this time, I swear!!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    You are going way over your sodium most days, sodium is a pain in the *kitten* when losing weight, it causes you to store water amongst other things.

    I would work on gradually reducing your sodium intake over the next few weeks, I was the same when I started at it isn't easy but try look for alternatives that contain less to start with. Processed food is normally the culprit of it, like buying a packaged meal for lunch could include 3 to 4 times more sodium if you made the same lunch at home with better quality foods.

    It is a massive learning curve and takes time and persistence, it is hard but it's 100% achievable. Just don't try and tackle everything at once. Work on one thing at a time, could take weeks to get that bit right but once it is, move on to the next and so on. Soon you will find you are eating great food and losing steady numbers most weeks. It is just a matter of trail and error.

    There is no shortcut to any place worth going, stick with it and the rewards will be great :smile:

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