

  • ha ha ha.. wogging.. I love it... I am a wogger too.. I shouldn't be, but I'm physically not yet ready to run the mile and a half I'm supposed to for the military PT, but I did wog 2 miles yesterday.. so I was proud of that... I had a baby 4 months ago by c-section and it still hurts sometimes so I know I have to take it…
  • Yeah I met her... and to make it worse... she was in the sauna... I was dressed... she was not... ugh... who the hell wants to hold a full on conversation with strangers while butt nekked??? WHOOOOO??
  • Ok.. breastfeeding makes me HUNGRY.. all the time.. I don't eat bad stuff, but can't seem to keep under the caloric radar that this site has set for me (1200). I work out a lot too... but my question is, how do you account for the extra calories you need while breast feeding if 1200 isn't enough??? I know nursing burns…
  • Hi.. I'm new... I'm not new to the weight loss world though... I've always been small, until after I give birth, then it takes a long time before I lose the weight from each pregnancy. I've been pregnant 4 times and each time I've lost or come close to losing all the weight in about a year after the birth. My goal weight…