Have you met Chatty Cathy?



  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    lol...oh to be a fly on the wall :devil:

    That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys imagine...is there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    lol...oh to be a fly on the wall :devil:

    That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys imagine...is there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:

    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?
  • jeffwyeg
    jeffwyeg Posts: 105
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    :ohwell: :tongue: sorry! :laugh:
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    No, your fantasy is alive and well at my gym. A lot of the women will walk around in all their glory as if they own the place. I have been bothered several times by some of the things I have seen!
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    No, your fantasy is alive and well at my gym. A lot of the women will walk around in all their glory as if they own the place. I even saw one woman doing something rather personal right out in the open (not what you're thinking:laugh: :laugh: ) as it was her time of the month. Let me tell you, I was quite disgusted by that!

    woah too much information eeewwwww gross but I know what you mean my gym is the same it's not always pretty some people just look better with clothes on I count myself as one of those
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    No, your fantasy is alive and well at my gym. A lot of the women will walk around in all their glory as if they own the place. I even saw one woman doing something rather personal right out in the open (not what you're thinking:laugh: :laugh: ) as it was her time of the month. Let me tell you, I was quite disgusted by that!

    woah too much information eeewwwww gross but I know what you mean my gym is the same it's not always pretty some people just look better with clothes on I count myself as one of those

    Sorry about that:embarassed: Well, I edited my original post but can't do anything about the quotes.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    This has been a great read!!! I have laughed and laughed, and I am counting the calories I am burning just laughing!!! So, molson girl, yeah your av is not the av that chased that little gum popper off! Or, maybe your av is realted to fluffy -- evilpuppy.gif

    I loved the sneezing/caughing idea. You could also pick at things - but maybe that's over the top?

    Proud to be naked guy sounds intriguing, but he never shows up in the women's locker room. :ohwell:

    One thing I am pretty sure would work would be to sidle up to your intended victim and say, in a sort of cold, deadpann voice, "I just got out of prison, so I am new to this gym. Where is the locker room?"

    Of course, if they happen to say, "Me too, where were you?" Then you will have to go to plan B, and maybe fake a seizure.... :wink:
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    HAhahaha you guys are hilarious. :laugh:

    If it didn't take me having an actual appointment at an actual gym in order to work out, I'd just start saving up for a treadmill. Sheesh.

    I should just start threatening people.

    But then again, I'm still pretty chunky. I'm relatively sure that most of these gym-people know each other, and if the people I threaten don't have muscles, they probably know someone in the weightroom who does. :tongue:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    My Chatty Cathy is a guy who shows up during my noon workout. When I go to the gym, I am on a mission, and I don't want Jay Leno following me around for an hour. I will do at least 10 sets to his one. If it is not me, then he finds another victim to verbally assault. Sometimes I adjust my lunch schedule so I won't have to see him!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    lol...oh to be a fly on the wall :devil:

    That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys imagine...is there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:

    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    apparently you havent been to my gym... I have the 60 year old lady who loves to start up a conversation with anyone who will listen while she is standing there butt naked....she is french too so her hands start flying everywhere... along with other body parts that you try desperately not to look at while she is talking:sick:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    If you're lucky, maybe she'll slap herself in the face with a loose "girl".
  • Yeah I met her... and to make it worse... she was in the sauna... I was dressed... she was not... ugh... who the hell wants to hold a full on conversation with strangers while butt nekked??? WHOOOOO??
  • lol...oh to be a fly on the wall :devil:

    That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys imagine...is there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:

    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    apparently you havent been to my gym... I have the 60 year old lady who loves to start up a conversation with anyone who will listen while she is standing there butt naked....she is french too so her hands start flying everywhere... along with other body parts that you try desperately not to look at while she is talking:sick:

  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    Funny, going back to the first post, I was thinking "let it go and hop on another tread mill, it's no big deal" then I remembered how ticked off I was this morning when Tai Chi lady was in my little corner of the gym that I'm in EVERY M,W,F doing my boot camp fitness workout. :explode: I guess it's easy to get used to doing something the same way and miffed when someone upsets that balance.

    Oh, and as far as Proud Nekkid People, there's 3 or 4 unmodest women in our locker room. You know, I really don't want to see that.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I went to the gym today, and there was a woman there who was on "my" treadmill... I mean that in the way that it's the one I usually use. She doesn't like me, because I think it was "her" treadmill before I started, but then I ended up getting there at 2:15 every day... so it was probably just before she was able to get there.

    She has herself signed up for tomorrow for 2:15... which isn't really fair. The times are set up for 30 minute increments, not 15 minute increments. I'm going to be talking to someone about this. (When
    I got there at 2:15, I was told that I could use any open machine as long as it wasn't on the hour or half-hour, and nobody had it signed up, so I'd write myself in for 2:30).

    ANYway, since the treadmill was busy, (2 out of 3 of them, and the other one squeaks really bad if you use it) I decided to try out the pool. I planned to do laps for a while and see how I did.

    I got in there and Chatty Cathy was in there. The second I stepped into the pool she said, "It's beautiful in here, isn't it?"

    I said, "Yes, this is my first time in the pool."

    My mistake.

    From then on, she just ran her mouth, and being polite, I didn't just want to cut the conversation short and start doing laps.

    I got zero cardio in today. Ughhhh. :grumble:

    Guess I'll be thinking about my 10 minute trainer workout tonight....
    shes a sabotage bunni ..splash her with water and get busy hehe
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I haven't had to deal with a "Chatty Cathy" at my gym yet - however, there is one type of person who drives me bonkers in the locker room...it's Mr. "Way-Too-Proud-To-Be-Naked".

    You know who he is...he walks back from the shower without bothering to wrap a towel around himself and then stands there, letting it all hang out while he digs around in his locker looking for something (hopefully a pair of gitch). And don't you love it when his cellphone rings and he answers it - while still buck?

    This makes me nuts (no pun intended...okay I lied - the pun was intended :laugh: )
    A friend of mine's DH had all the boys in the mens locker at the pool, Mr Nakie, old man of about 75, BUCK, leg up on the bench bent over drying. Now the boys are against the wall facing the man, dad is telling all the boys the do's and don'ts, back to the perp, they have 4 boys, they are all giggling, and dad's like what is your prob?!??! Then one points, dad turns, he didn't know what to do, run or cover the boys' eyes!
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    :blushing: oh my goodness, I'm at work and i started cracking up reading all these posts and i kept on getting funny looks! But it was oh so worth it you guys are hilarious!!!:bigsmile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Never did understand the concept of wanting to talk when working out. I mean, you're there for a reason, and that reason isn't socalization is it? Personally, I can't hold a conversation when I work out because I'm either doing my breathing (while weight training, you should have a certain breathing pattern) or doing cardio in which I am breathing far to heavy to even attempt anything more then a single word.

    I would think that if someone tried to talk to me I would politely explain my desire to work out and my lack of desire to talk. If they continued I would get a little meaner.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    on Wed I went to the gym and I was getting on the eliptical and I was entering the program I wanted and the lady next to me was like you should take it easy the first time.. I was like this isnt my first time I have worked my way up and I am fine...( I know I am FAT and OVER WEIGHT) but I know what I can do!! I am up to an hour on the eliptical doing the intervals or the weight loss program..

    If someone askes me a question I dont mind helping them but,, I hate when they try to tell you what you can do and what you cant.. HELLO its MY BODY....
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