Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I hope you're feeling better. I just had a similar experience. It's a crappy feeling, but ya just have to keep your head up and forget about those horrible ppl. They obviously aren't worth your time and effort...if they were your true friends they wouldn't have back stabbed you in the first place.
    Just remember, you're a great person with a fantastic personality:smile: .. and heck, you'll be in better shape than them soon so to hell with them lol!
    Keep on woggin chica :happy:
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello woggers, i have not wogged in a few days now:blushing: i jus cant get up to do it in the morning anymore. i want to but have been so depressed lately that i lost my motivation:sad: same backstabbing situati0n...:grumble:

    any advice, tips, motivation? :flowerforyou:

    i was doin soo well and now im fallin again:frown:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hey girls,
    please try to remember that generally speaking, most of the people in our llives do not want us to change. and when we do they will fight it to keep us where we are. they may not even know that they are doiing it, but it still hurts the same.
    and if they are the people that you normally hang out with, or go to eat out with, the fact that you don't want to go now because of calories, can make them mad. Also, I find that I am very into this lifestyle. and I have to be careful not to talk about it all the time. I am proud, and happy and frustrated, and feel deprived and so many other feelings that I can kinda go on and on about it. So I really know who I can talk with without getting that eye rolling effect and who I should keep things to myself.

    I 'm wondering if your backstabbing friends might be feeling that your abandoning them with your new lease on life? If so, you can't let them get you down. you are doing what is best for you and you know it. You can only be tolerent and patient, and if they really mean that much to you talk to them, If not, who cares what they think of you, their just jealous that your looking better and getting healthy everyday and they are not.
    oh please stay strong and do not let those people sabatoge your progress. In the end, who is living inside your body, you are, and so doing what makes you happy is all that is important.

    I did my wog today and i also did my 2miles without stopping. so now I only have to do it 2 more times this week. But I was happy I wogged my 4 miles. I am also doing a slight fast to hopefully jumpstart myslelf out of this plateau. I only ate 800 cals today. tomorrow I will go back to my regular 1200 . then I will alternate this for the rest of the week. I hope my trainer is right and this works.
    I am starving here!!!!!!!:ohwell: :ohwell: :huh:
    well, I will be off to bed here soon, so I can get up for breakfast before to long.
    :yawn: :frown:
  • merrfinney
    merrfinney Posts: 10
    ha ha ha.. wogging.. I love it... I am a wogger too.. I shouldn't be, but I'm physically not yet ready to run the mile and a half I'm supposed to for the military PT, but I did wog 2 miles yesterday.. so I was proud of that... I had a baby 4 months ago by c-section and it still hurts sometimes so I know I have to take it easy, but I'm trying to get to a good pace for the mile 1/2 run.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I finished day 2 of week 5 in Couch to 5k....today is supposed to be 2miles all at once or 20 minutes....I am going to try the 20 minutes today and if I can do it then I'll try the distance with my next "run" - this one's no walking break in between....yesterday was 3/4 mile jog, 1/2 mile walk, 3/4 mile jog - I ended up with a total of 2.5 miles after I added in a few laps at the end and 1 warm up to start. But to do 2 miles all at once - I am scared!!

    Well I was scared but I did it!!! 2 miles without stopping - very slow pace but I did it.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    yikes! Don't put your body into starvation mode! I used to do that and it doesn't work! It won't jump start your body..it'll just get worse if you do.

    I'm quoting Banks on this. He said, "Losing weight by extreme malnutrition just makes us lose muscle, which gives us a higher body fat %, which makes it harder to lose weight, which lowers our metabolic rate, which adds more fat...etc. vicious cycle."

    Read this:

    Also, from my experience, if you want to jump start your body again, try eating a little more than you're supposed to (healthy tho), but please do not eat less! You have to eat AT least the number of cals MFP tells you. It's prob one of the worse things you can do to your body if you don't.

    Or try changing your exercise routine. Do some interval training. Walk moderate pace for 3 mins, run 1 min (as fast and hard as you can), walk slow pace for 3 mins, run 1 min (as fast/hard as you can), and so on...do this for a half hour. Make sure you give yourself a 5 min warm up and a 5-10 min cool down.
    One of the guys on here helped me out when I was plateauing. He told me to do this routine and I'm losing weight again:

    Monday: Interval training on treadmill (3 mins @ mod pace, 1 min running fast/hard, 3 mins slow pace, 1 min running fast/hard, 3 mins @ mod pace...repeat up to 30 mins)
    Tuesday: is lifting (circuit training---workout entire body with little/no breaks between sets...12/15 reps for 30 mins).
    Wed: "endurance" cardio.
    Thursday: lifting (circuit training)
    Friday: Interval training on the elliptical or bike
    Saturday: lifting (circuit training)
    Sunday: completely taking off
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I'm really really surprised your trainer gave you that advice! My brother is a trainer and he just about had a heart attack when I told him that lol.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Ok, day 1 of the " fast" completed:
    I had planned on 700 cal yesterday, but I ate 800, that is ok though. that was the hardest thing ever and sleeeping at night really was hard too. I dreamt of eating, and of eggs and toast all night , and kept waking up throughout the night. I ate throughout the day so it wasn't like I was physically starving,stomach grumbling or anything like that, but I never felt like there much food in my tummy. slimfast shake, fresh veges, watermellon, 2 times I had a small amount of meat, but that was basically it. and tons of water.

    so fist thing this morning 6;am, I got the oldest off to school and had a peice of toast. then I went back to bed and got some nice sleep until the little one woke me up at 9am. "yay... she let me sleep in " First thing we did was make eggs and toast and milk for breakfast. I am amazed at how full I feel. but I feel better. I did step on the scale before eating and , low and behold. it said 156, a 1 pound loss. but I will only count that as a loss if it holds on for 3 days in a row. I am going to eat my normal 1200 cals today, and then try for the 700 cal. again tomorrow. and see fi my weight can start going down and keep going.

    I walked/run 4 miles yesterdday, and of that time 2miles I ran without stopping. I have to do it 2 more times this week to fullfill my goal. yay....I am happy to see myself really putting myself out there and working hard. I haven't felt like this in 5 yrs.

    thanks kid, i know it sounds harsh, but i'm not starving myself. My trainer says that it isn't long enough to go into starvation mode, and i will only do this for 1 week. It is like a "fast" and it is very common and safe if done right. I continued to get in all my vitamins and fat,carb,proteins, fiber. so I wasn't really lacking anything but the extra calories. thanks for the advice though, I am willing to try this to see if I can start making some progress again. I have only lost 3lbs in the last 10 weeks. and I have only 7 pounds to my goal. I 've increased my execise and changed up the routine, i do strength training , beleive me I have tried everything. so this is just one more thing I will try to get the scale moving.
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    :flowerforyou: kimss thanks for the advice:smile:

    today i feel better and am ready to pump it up a bit. I will do tnis for myself and try not to care bout wa my soo called friends say:happy:

    thank u soo much
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Remember to send me your exercise minutes on Thursday! I'll post them on the thread so we can see how everyone did (don't feel bad if you didn't exercise alot . . . I'll probably win for least amount of minutes:grumble: )

    Ok, day 1 of the " fast" completed:
    I had planned on 700 cal yesterday, but I ate 800, that is ok though. that was the hardest thing ever and sleeeping at night really was hard too. I dreamt of eating, and of eggs and toast all night , and kept waking up throughout the night. I ate throughout the day so it wasn't like I was physically starving,stomach grumbling or anything like that, but I never felt like there much food in my tummy. slimfast shake, fresh veges, watermellon, 2 times I had a small amount of meat, but that was basically it. and tons of water.

    so fist thing this morning 6;am, I got the oldest off to school and had a peice of toast. then I went back to bed and got some nice sleep until the little one woke me up at 9am. "yay... she let me sleep in " First thing we did was make eggs and toast and milk for breakfast. I am amazed at how full I feel. but I feel better. I did step on the scale before eating and , low and behold. it said 156, a 1 pound loss. but I will only count that as a loss if it holds on for 3 days in a row. I am going to eat my normal 1200 cals today, and then try for the 700 cal. again tomorrow. and see fi my weight can start going down and keep going.

    I walked/run 4 miles yesterdday, and of that time 2miles I ran without stopping. I have to do it 2 more times this week to fullfill my goal. yay....I am happy to see myself really putting myself out there and working hard. I haven't felt like this in 5 yrs.

    thanks kid, i know it sounds harsh, but i'm not starving myself. My trainer says that it isn't long enough to go into starvation mode, and i will only do this for 1 week. It is like a "fast" and it is very common and safe if done right. I continued to get in all my vitamins and fat,carb,proteins, fiber. so I wasn't really lacking anything but the extra calories. thanks for the advice though, I am willing to try this to see if I can start making some progress again. I have only lost 3lbs in the last 10 weeks. and I have only 7 pounds to my goal. I 've increased my execise and changed up the routine, i do strength training , beleive me I have tried everything. so this is just one more thing I will try to get the scale moving.

    I know that some religions fast for spiritual reasons, but fasting to lose weight???? I'm not sure about that. Just make sure you stop after one week, and don't get addicted to fasting. You said that you felt starving all day, and you really shouldn't deprive yourself of food. That sounds like aneorexia, and i've come close to that before. I just ended up feeling starving and horrible and ended up eating twice as much the next day.

    Lucky you have a trainer, though. My motivation is just me and MFP.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668

    Keep Wogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    im sooo pumped up after doing the shred today that i feel like woggin tonite! but im alittle scared of going out at night to wogg alone:ohwell: i cant wait till tomorrow:bigsmile: wooohoooooo!!!!!!!!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    that's awesome! way to have extra motivation :happy: Just be careful if you do go out by yourself!
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I wogged today for 30 min. Wanted to do more but was in a time crunch. I am planning on doing a 4 mile walk/run in September. I really want to work toward a good finish time.
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    Remember to send me your exercise minutes on Thursday! I'll post them on the thread so we can see how everyone did (don't feel bad if you didn't exercise alot . . . I'll probably win for least amount of minutes:grumble: )

    I guess I missed something which minutes are we logging - from when to when?
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hey girls,
    Not to worry, I love food way to much to be anorexic. I think you miss read my post, I said I (WASN"T) starving. I made sure that I ate throughout the day and got in all my vitamins and nutritional values, just no empty-extra calories. I wanted to eat, don't get me wrong, I wanted a lot of things, I just didn't do it and kept myself to the bare minimum. Now today I ate almost 1400cals and then I will do the fast again tomorrow. and I will alternate this for the rest of this week. and then go back to my normal. I hope that I will see some imporvement to my weightloss.
    It was also suggested that I read Banks post. Oh beleive me I have, I have refered to it many times over the last 2 months and I have tried every trick he suggested. nothing has worked for me. so I am trying this.
    I did my light day today. 60min. of wogging, and then played at the park with my little one for an additional 60min. I will take tomorrow off to rest before my big run on Thursday. I go for 2miles again.

    thanks for everything, It's nice to know that someone cares.:smile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Remember to send me your exercise minutes on Thursday! I'll post them on the thread so we can see how everyone did (don't feel bad if you didn't exercise alot . . . I'll probably win for least amount of minutes:grumble: )
    I guess I missed something which minutes are we logging - from when to when?

    We started last Thursday and stopping this Thursday. That's when you send me how many minutes you exercised.:drinker:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    hey guys random question.... I need some advice on my hair.

    This past weekend when I was wogging my hair kept getting on my nerves bc it was so long..even in a ponytail. It kept touching the back of my neck and getting all nasty...so...I decided to cut it on monday :noway: I haven't cut it in foooorever and now I'm very unsure of what to think of it. No one at work or in my family has said anything about my haircut....I'm not sure if it's bc they don't notice or if it looks bad and they don't want to say anything lol! It doesn't really matter what they think, but it just has ME thinking if it looks ok.

    I have before and after pics posted in my profile... what do you guys think? Should I get a different style or should I leave it grow back out???
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    hey guys random question.... I need some advice on my hair.

    This past weekend when I was wogging my hair kept getting on my nerves bc it was so long..even in a ponytail. It kept touching the back of my neck and getting all nasty...so...I decided to cut it on monday :noway: I haven't cut it in foooorever and now I'm very unsure of what to think of it. No one at work or in my family has said anything about my haircut....I'm not sure if it's bc they don't notice or if it looks bad and they don't want to say anything lol! It doesn't really matter what they think, but it just has ME thinking if it looks ok.

    I have before and after pics posted in my profile... what do you guys think? Should I get a different style or should I leave it grow back out???
    You have some beautiful hair!!! Both ways...I am sure that's why nobody has said anything - it looks great both ways and it's still really long.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I will start week 6 day 1 of C25K today....looking at it like - hmmm this one should be easy compared to the last one that was 2miles straight with no walking in between....hopefully go at lunchtime.
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