Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    Hiii everyone, i did not wog this weekend:frown: it was my bday:smile: but today i woggled for 30min,:happy: . i have to get bac on track... need motivation....
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    well happy bday bree!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    :flowerforyou: happy b-day bree.... I'm sure you had a great day..

    great job Chrissy- 5 miles your doing amazing. good luck on this next week, i know you can reach that goal.

    I ended up having a great day for wogging.
    I really wasn't that into it when I started,:yawn: but, before I knew it, I ran 2mile without stopping "again" so 1 more time this week and I will fulfill my weeks goal. I also finished my workout by wogging for 65min total with 41 of my min. jogging and the other 24 walking. I am so amazed with myself. I never thought I had this in me. I am constantly amazed at how far I can push myself. :bigsmile:
    This all gives me the motivation to think that I actually have a chance of reaching my goals, I always gave up in the past or did things the wrong and unhealthy way. finally, I'm doing it right with hard work and healthy living.
    It's been a good day and great start to this week. I hope you all have a good week.
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I wogged 2 miles and walked 1 mile. It was cut short by stormy weather. But I am glad I made myself go. I was able to burn 503 calories in about 45 minutes!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    ok, hubs bought that wii active and it's totally kicking my tail. my shins haven't bothered me for a few days, so i'm going to try to wog on the treadmill at the y tomorrow. if it hurts, i'll stop.
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone: I know its been a few days since I last logged on. Family and I went to Camp Pendleton for the holiday weekend to visit our son. We camped, had good time. Unfortunately didn't do too much wogging. Walked on the beach Sunday a.m. but that was it. Good news though, today I picked up my walking routine. One of my brothers went with me, had a hard time keeping up with him since his legs are much longer than mine. (I'm 4'11-3/4 and he is 5'11), but I did it!!!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Wow, everyone! I love reading all the posts because it makes me feel motivated to get out there and be healthy! Looks like you are all doing an awesome job!

    Here's my view on Walking, Jogging, Sprinting,etc.:

    Walking is like elementary school. Mostly easy stuff, preparing you for the next level.

    Then comes Wogging, which is like middle school. This is where things start getting tough, but if you really focus and do the best you can, you will come out on top.

    Next is Jogging, which is like high school. If you prepared yourself by Wogging, then you'll do fine. If not, you're in trouble. That's why the stage we are in is so important.

    The final stage is Sprinting, aka College. You've prepared for it. You've built up your stamina. If you accomplish this, you'll be able to have a great life.

    Keep pushing yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    Good luck today everyone...Im on my way to the gym...WOGGLE time..lol:laugh:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wow, everyone! I love reading all the posts because it makes me feel motivated to get out there and be healthy! Looks like you are all doing an awesome job!

    Here's my view on Walking, Jogging, Sprinting,etc.:

    Walking is like elementary school. Mostly easy stuff, preparing you for the next level.

    Then comes Wogging, which is like middle school. This is where things start getting tough, but if you really focus and do the best you can, you will come out on top.

    Next is Jogging, which is like high school. If you prepared yourself by Wogging, then you'll do fine. If not, you're in trouble. That's why the stage we are in is so important.

    The final stage is Sprinting, aka College. You've prepared for it. You've built up your stamina. If you accomplish this, you'll be able to have a great life.

    Keep pushing yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Love the way you break it down. So clever! :drinker:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Ok, I went to the y this morning and wogged. it wasn't the best. I was pretty tired from all the wii active stuff. but i got 2.3 miles in 30 min. my shins bothered me a little, though. anyone have suggestions?
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    OK, guys, to keep the motivation running high on our thread, how about a little friendly competition? Keep track of the minutes you exercise for a week (let's say starting tomorrow), then check in next Thursday and we'll see who has the highest number of minutes.

    P. S. It's fine if you don't love exercise, or if you're not as willing as some other people. Just try your best!:wink:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    sounds great! :happy:
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Good afternoon everybody!!!

    My brother and I did four miles today!!!! He works my butt off....feels like I'm jogging the whole time he joins me for my walks. I felt like giving up on the last mile, but he kept telling me to keep up. I'm feeling a little tired, hopefully I won't be sore tomorrow. OK, beginning tomorrow I'll start keeping better track of actual walk/jog time.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    so far today is my day off, I have lots still to do, so I might try to find time tonight if I can or I just need to enjoy my day off. I did do strength exercise this morning, so I don't feel like I've done nothing at all. well, I hope you all have a good day.
    I'll be wogging tomorrow for sure:happy:
  • edianna
    edianna Posts: 15
    My daughter and I tried wogging today!! kicked up the calories burned. It helped keep our heart rate up through our cardio. :wink:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So, Ive been a bad, bad monkey! Not only did I have a bad eating weekend, I got absolutely no official "exercise" in besides doing some yardwork. :grumble:

    Back on track today after steping on the scale and seeing another pound had miraculously disappeared. :noway: I thought for sure I was doomed to re-lose a couple pounds, but aparently I needed the rest.

    Going to go for a "wog" after I get some dinner in. Gonna push it and try out week 5 of the couch-2-5K. Time to get back on track. Ive done week 4 for 2 weeks in a row.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK, guys, to keep the motivation running high on our thread, how about a little friendly competition? Keep track of the minutes you exercise for a week (let's say starting tomorrow), then check in next Thursday and we'll see who has the highest number of minutes.

    P. S. It's fine if you don't love exercise, or if you're not as willing as some other people. Just try your best!:wink:

    OH I LOVE THIS!!! Count me in...
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    my shins are KILLING me! i'm going to take a week off and back track a bit.
  • nancykay
    nancykay Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished reading all the comments and inspirations everyone has written and I would like to join in if I can. I've been doing the c5k running plan off and on and been on week 5 day 1for about 3 months now. I need to get remotivated again. I love wogging. I hope to someday be able to jog a whole mile non stop. My goal is to be able to do the whole 5K non stop. I've been in a rut and I think it's my lack of cardio. I was doing really good then slacked off big time, went from 5-6 x's / wk to 2 x's / wk. I'm also interested in any songs that are good to wog to. I like all kinds of music. Some of my favorites now are Aaron Tippins "kiss this", Voice Mail "Dance", Britney Spears "Womanizer", "Toxic" and "Piece of Me", Pat Travers "Black Betty". Gretcen Wilson "Here for the Party", Patty LaBelle "Lady Marmalade, Miranda Lambert "Kerosene" & "Gunpowder & Lead", Rebeca Lynn Howard "God is in the House", Beyonce "Put a ring on it". I also like the CD from "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa".
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    -hi nancy,
    it's never to late to join in. sounds like you have some good music to wog to. just keeep working on that 5k, if you start slow and increase a little each week, you will be back up to speed before you know it. We all slack off now and then, so just remind yourself you had your time off, and its time to start working hard again. :wink:
    :happy: just get yourself out there, and try to have fun. :happy:

    Hey Missheidi,
    sounds like you really should take some time off and let that heal. I had knee problems the first 2months I started wogging and after about a week off and some strength /stretching, and lots of heat/ice and advil, I was ready to go and I haven't had any more troubles. there are some good sites for runners you might want to google and see if they have any advice for the shin splints.
    Also, everyone remember that you must have good running shoes. and they must fit your foot. it really is so important to have a great pair of shoes and sports bra.!!!! :bigsmile:
    I can't wog without them.:noway: :frown: :cry: