Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I wish I had some good songs for you all, but, I'm a country girl and my music isn't very ""Ummm, get up and move" kinda stuff. My husband teases me about how I could possible run to such slow music? It doesn't bother me, I like it. :smooched:
    give me some Brad Paisly, Rascle Flats, and Emerson Drive and I am happy and ready to run.
    today was my walking day so i walked uphill for 65min. I alternate run and walk days.... my poor legs can't handle running every day.
    I also find it easier to talk on the phone to my friend back home when I am walking rather than running.:wink: OH well, some day are just made for taking it easy. but I still burned over 400 cal's . I'm happy with this. :bigsmile:

    I grew up in Colorado so I'm a country girl at heart! :smile: There are definately some country songs I can run to! Keith Urban, Brad Paisly, Garth Brooks...oh, and bluegrass! I really like running to bluegrass! :happy:

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  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Week 1, Day 2 of Couch to 5K . . . a success!!!!!! I also went on the stepper for a few minutes, while reading a fitness magazine. That's what I call multitasking! :wink:

    During the past few weeks, I have realized that, while I'm doing great on cardio, I am not doing enough strength exercises. If you have a favorite strength exercise that is super-fun, you know where to post it!

    Ahem, that's here, for all you people who missed that. Not pointing anyone out or anything!:laugh:

    Keep Wogging!!!!!

    P. S. The online dictionary says Wogging is not a word. Well, we know otherwise, right?:laugh:
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    today was a success!! :drinker:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    WOW!! Look at this team growing!!!

    This is great!!!

    No wogging for me today. I took the day off from the gym. Went yesterday to a body+abs class that had me do more squats & lunges than my thighs are used too. :laugh: So they needed a break for a day. Will be back at it tomorrow!!!

    Starting week 5 of couch 2 to 5K after taking a week off...... :wink:
  • baby_gyrlamc
    Well I kept my word and did my wogging this afternoon. :smile: I also stayed under my calories. One day down many more to go. Wohoo.

    I noticed that a lot of people are talking about couch to 5K so I checked it out and it looks like it will be a great thing for me so I can start to run. Thanks for that.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    i have to take a couple days off, started getting some shin splints. I've been fighting a cold/allergies too, which is taking it out of me. i'm hoping my shins will feel good on monday, if not, i'll do the elliptical trainer for a few days.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    i have to take a couple days off, started getting some shin splints. I've been fighting a cold/allergies too, which is taking it out of me. i'm hoping my shins will feel good on monday, if not, i'll do the elliptical trainer for a few days.

    My ribs hurt for some reason. I can still do cardio, but no abs.:grumble:

    This morning when I was pouring my Special K, WHAM! Out flew a brand-new workout DVD! :happy: But it has ab workouts on it:explode:
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    I understand some of us are incountering some bumps on the road, I hope it all works out for you.:flowerforyou: But we cant forget the task at hand, dont hurt yourselves but do something. When trying to be fit, every little thing helps sometimes.

    COME ON WOGGERS!!!!:drinker:

    Today will be alittle hard for me to get my woggin in:frown: because my baby has no school, but I will do my best to find a way...:smile:

    Have a Great day everyone....
  • godsgrl
    godsgrl Posts: 49
    I just saw this post, and I'd love to join this group! I'm a total wogger. I trained for and ran a 5K two years ago and then my chiropractor grounded me from running. I'm just now getting back into it and whew ... can't even go a mile yet. ARGH! All that hard work fades away so fast. Anyway, we'll be traveling through Memorial Day. I'll get into wogging again as soon as we get back. What a great idea/post! I needed to find this! Keep it going!!!!:bigsmile:
  • johnsoag
    johnsoag Posts: 59
    Count me in! I need all the motivation I can get! :laugh: :smile:

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  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
  • ang1977
    ang1977 Posts: 21
    I joined so now what do we do? Is there a check in day?
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I joined so now what do we do? Is there a check in day?
    This group isn't supposed to focus only on weight, so there is no check-in day. We motivate each other until we accomplish whatever our goals are. There are different topics you can talk about, like what music you like listening to when you work out.

    Welcome to the team!:flowerforyou:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    :drinker: Morning everyone...
    I suspect lots of you are going out for the weekend? I hope you are all safe and have fun and keep to your goals. I'm staying home, but I do have a date with my hubby for (Sunday Double feature) I'm looking forward to that. Yesterday was a day off for me so no wogging. but I will get it done this afternoon. I have to take the car in for an oil change(."my hubby volunteered to stay home with the kids if I wanted to go to the auto shop? UM YEA!!!!") I'm so looking forward to a little me time, just sitting alone with a magazine and a coffee, while I wait, sounds heavenly:happy: :blushing:
    But back to my workout.....this afternoon I plan on wogging for at least 60 min. and have 30 of it be jogging. Wednesday I experimented with lowering my speed from 6.0 to 5.5 and It took me an extra min. to do a mile, but I was not as tired, so I am going to incorporate that into my routine. My next goal is to jog 1.5 miles without stopping at least 3 times a week.
    Now, If only I could get my abductor muscles to losen up and not be so sore, I am living on ADVIL these days.
    Well, I wish you a happy Memorial day weekend!!!!!Have a great time.:bigsmile:

    P.S. I have finally breached my plateau...I lost 2 lbs this week.. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    i have to take a couple days off, started getting some shin splints. I've been fighting a cold/allergies too, which is taking it out of me. i'm hoping my shins will feel good on monday, if not, i'll do the elliptical trainer for a few days.

    I have shin splints too...ugh...they're annoying! But I have found something that works for me to ease the pain when running. I take Asprin (because it's an inflammatory) before I go running and I try to focus on landing more on the ball of my foot or my whole foot as opposed to the heel. There is more cusion this way. A gymnist friend of mine who also has shin splints recommended this and so far it's helped a lot!
    Well, I'm off to go get ready for my wog! :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    It was hard for me to get my woggle on today, but i did it for about 30mins. more of a walk because i was with the baby and the dog. It was fun:) Good luck everyone!!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    That Special K workout is harder than I expected!!!!!!!!!!!:sick:

    No one posted any strength exercises:cry: sigh.

    You guys are doing awesome! Keep it up and have a great Memorial Weekend!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I see alot of you guys are having issues with shin splints and stuff hurting. Soooooo.....just a reminder....

    Please.....Make sure you spent 10-15 minutes stretching BEFORE & AFTER your wogs to avoid injury!! Even 5 minutes before and after is better than nothing. If your not sure what kind of stretches to do, do a websearch. Seriously, it will save your shins, ankles, calf muscles, hips, back, knees and any other joints in between and will make your recovery alot faster.

    Also, make sure you have good, decent pair of running shoes...not just ones ment for walking. No wogging allowed in old beaters you dug out of the closet. :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Dont forget your water too!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Happy wogging!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Do you guys list shopping under cardio or just not include it? I'm going shopping today and I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of walking around.

    Today is supposed to be Week 1, Day 3 of Couch to 5K . Would it look weird if I started jogging around the mall?:laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I went wogging today. I've never had so many problems with it before...I had such a hard time getting my butt in gear. I was gasping for air and feeling like I just couldn't do it. Idk what my problem was lol I wanted to quit, but I ended up doing it anyways :smile: How do you guys motivate yourself on days like this?