Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I completed Week 1, Day 2 of Couch to 5K yesterday. I live super-close to the Y, so I wanted to run home - see if I could do it. I got a head start while my neighbor took the car. I just about beat her. I felt like I had an asthma attack (although I don't have asthma), and I was sure the whole neighborhood could hear me breathing.

    Now I know one thing . . . I'm not ready for sprinting yet!!!!!!!!:angry:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    i think too, i just pushed it too hard last week and over did it. so, i'll take a week or maybe two off, do the elliptical and the bike for cardio (along with the wii active) and see how it goes.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    OMG! Y'all! I ache! I "wogged" two miles yesterday! I haven't done that in a LONG time! I did incline of 7.5% at about 3.5 mph. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but, I haven't gotten those numbers since I was going to the gym before my son's accident. For me, it is a milestone. :bigsmile:

    After that, I did the EZ Gym for about 20 minutes. I don't really care for it. The exercises are kid of awkward. I think I'm going to sell it on ebay. I'm not comfortable with it. I'm too short and the resistance bands are too high. But, I did it anyway. :drinker: Then I did the Pilates chair, which I absolutely love!!!! I'm on the second phase of the workout DVDs. The core, thighs, abs dream body workout. OMG! What a workout! 45 minutes! I felt so good after that workout. I hope I can do it again today.:huh:

    Anywho, just wanted to let y'all know my progress. I haven't been "here" as often because of my son. He's better now, though.

    Hope y'all have a great day!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    -hi nancy,
    it's never to late to join in. sounds like you have some good music to wog to. just keeep working on that 5k, if you start slow and increase a little each week, you will be back up to speed before you know it. We all slack off now and then, so just remind yourself you had your time off, and its time to start working hard again. :wink:
    :happy: just get yourself out there, and try to have fun. :happy:

    Hey Missheidi,
    sounds like you really should take some time off and let that heal. I had knee problems the first 2months I started wogging and after about a week off and some strength /stretching, and lots of heat/ice and advil, I was ready to go and I haven't had any more troubles. there are some good sites for runners you might want to google and see if they have any advice for the shin splints.
    Also, everyone remember that you must have good running shoes. and they must fit your foot. it really is so important to have a great pair of shoes and sports bra.!!!! :bigsmile:
    I can't wog without them.:noway: :frown: :cry:

    kmiss - just catching up to the posts. What exactly or shin splints? My right knee has been killing me the past couple weeks. The pain feels like it is inside the joint just below where the knee bends, sort of to the left inside of the knee. It is driving me crazy! :mad: Aleve isn't helping at all. I wear Nike walkers...good shoes...:ohwell:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    that sounds like the spot that mine bothered me, my Dr. called it Anterior Knee Pain,or Patellofermoral pain syndrom. she said it is caused by inflamation of the patellar tendon and poor tracking of the kneecap as it glides over the end of the thigh bone. early warning signs--pain in kneecap region, small area of tenderness below the kneecap, stiffness after keeping it in one position to long. there usually isn't swelling unless you've had it for a prolonged period of time.
    It comes from the kneecap not gliding smoothly when you bend your knee. when you run, straighten your knee with weights, or are involved in activities with lots of jumping. there are other things too, but to shorten this, I was told to
    #1 stop all painful activities for 2-4 weeks. I was fine after 1week, but I started slow and easy and very careful-no running.
    #2 take anti-inflamitory...ibuprofen or asprin
    #3do stretching and strength training everyday.
    #4 apply ice to front of knee for 10min. after exercise
    put your leg up on the table and stretch your back of thigh
    stretch your calf muscle by leaning against a wall with one foot forward and other heel flat to the floor and hold to stretch the back calf.
    build quadricepts at front thigh with squats while leaning against the wall
    I did lots of these and as long as the pain didn't return I slowly started back to wogging, but a little at a time.
    I have not had any more problems
    but do stretch before and after every run.
    and always remember, go see your Dr. if the pain doesn't get better...
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    ahmee, to find out more This info is from www.medicinenet.com

    Shin splints are injuries to the front of the outer leg. While the exact injury is not known, shin splints seem to result from inflammation from injury to the tendon (posterior peroneal tendon) and adjacent tissues in the front of the outer leg.
    shin splints cause pain in the front of the outer leg below the knee. The pain of shin splints is characteristically located on the outer edge of the mid region of the leg next to the shin bone (tibia). An area of discomfort measuring 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length is frequently present. Pain is often noted at the early portion of the workout, then lessens only to reappear near the end of the training session. Shin splint discomfort is often described as dull at first. However, with continuing trauma, the pain can become so extreme as to cause the athlete to stop workouts altogether.
    from what I gather from this site: rest, ibuprofen, stretching and ice are some treatments. but look around and try to do some research. good luck.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    someone on the runners thread listed this thread, if anyone is interested ,it has a good program for beginning woggers.

  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    This was a bad week! I haven't done any wogging so far! Eeeek! I gave myself Monday off for Memorial Day and was planning to get back on track on Tuesday - then a tragedy happened that was very emotional and I just couldn't bring myself to workout. I kind of sunk into a little hole of depression. I didn't even really keep track of what I ate this week (since I've been on this weight loss plan, the only other time I didn't watch/keep track of what I ate was when I visited my brother's family for a few days - I had meals cooked for me so it was hard to watch what I ate!).

    I did a cardio video tonight though at least!
    It's been a very hard and emotional week but I need to get back into my wogging tomorrow! I know that some good exercise will help clear my mind!

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  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    For all you Shin Split victims, my heart goes out to you for getting through this. I know that if I couldn't exercise for a few weeks, I would go nuts!:sad:

    Does anybody have this next problem? I don't think it's shin splits, but . . .

    Okay, so when I first wake up in the morning, my calves start to hurt really bad, and I just have to lay there until the pain stops. It doesn't happen when I work out - only when I wake up and sometimes in the middle of the night. I do stretch before I work out, so I'm not sure if that's the problem. But the pain is driving me CRAZY!!!!! Anybody know what I'm talking about or know what this injury is?
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    It still sounds like shin splints.....

    so you stretch before you workout, but what about after? Make sure you stretch really really well and give yourself at least 5 min warm up and a 5-10 mins cool down.

    Make sure you have good walking shoes that fit your feet right.

    Use ibuprofen to get rid of the pain if it's really bad (if you believe in taking medicine that is...some ppl don't) Also, lay down immediately and ice your shins and then use heat and massage them.

    ....and keep on wogging! :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    ahmee, to find out more This info is from www.medicinenet.com

    Shin splints are injuries to the front of the outer leg. While the exact injury is not known, shin splints seem to result from inflammation from injury to the tendon (posterior peroneal tendon) and adjacent tissues in the front of the outer leg.
    shin splints cause pain in the front of the outer leg below the knee. The pain of shin splints is characteristically located on the outer edge of the mid region of the leg next to the shin bone (tibia). An area of discomfort measuring 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length is frequently present. Pain is often noted at the early portion of the workout, then lessens only to reappear near the end of the training session. Shin splint discomfort is often described as dull at first. However, with continuing trauma, the pain can become so extreme as to cause the athlete to stop workouts altogether.
    from what I gather from this site: rest, ibuprofen, stretching and ice are some treatments. but look around and try to do some research. good luck.

    Sounds like my pain exactly! I did the R.I.C.E. method all day yesterday. It feels 100% better today. I was going to hit my gym hard today but now I'm kinda thinking I should maybe give it a few days more to completely heal up. What you all think?:ohwell:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Just wanted to pop in an say hi to all you woggers! You have a great group and It's awesome to see so many of you starting your jogging! I finished the c25k a few weeks ago and am now more of a runner. But I loved my wogging and it does wonders! Keep it up everyone!

  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hey Pink, don't worry about it much. You can always start again when you get your self back in gear. your right though, sometimes you just have to get out there and do it and then you feel better after. good luck and keep pushing yourself, you'll feel better in no time.

    Hi fitgal-- wow interesting.. does the pain just go away and then you don't feel it at all after you get up? or is it always sore all day long and then just worse at night.?
    I know that I get Restless leg syndrom, especially on the nights that I workout hard. I use stretching, massage, and a cold towl around my feet to help ease the pain. oh and I take advil everynight before bed. I couldn't do all this wogging if I didn't have my advil, it keeps me going.
    I agree with kidvicious28---her advice is great

    ahmee-- what is the R.I.C.E method? and Yes, I think you should give it a rest. try to do another activity that doesn't stress your shins. you have to have time to heal.

    Thanks for stopping by spyguy.... your a great inspiration to us beginners, it is nice to see someone that has made it to the statis of "a runner". Congratulations on your success.

    Well for myself, I did my regular routine yesterday, I was a bit unmotivated, but got out there anyway and I was glad I did. I wogged a total of 4miles-(2.5running1.5walking) in about 60min. I am going out there again later this afternoon and will hope that see others having a good today too.
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    hello everyone, hope all is well. i sorry to hear about the injeries, i am sure u can all get through this. just relax and dont try to over do anything. as for myself i am not soo motivated today:grumble: , but i will try to do atleast 30minutes of wogging.

    good luck to all:flowerforyou:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I was just on another thread and found this very informative older thread that someone might want to read. Its about heart rate and fat loss during exercise. I really enjoyed it and found it really helpful. Banks is so smart, i just love reading his insite.

    There is a recent discussion here on MFP you could read that is very helpful. There are discussions by some pretty smart people

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Bree and kimss and all you other people who need some motivation . . . check out this site!!!!!!!:

  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    :drinker: good morning and happy Sat. to everyone,

    I was happy to see my hard work for the week get me back to my 13 lb loss. I have set myself up a goal of "NO CHEATS" this weekend. I have to get past this plateau. I only walked yesterday, but I walked for 75min, with 30 of it uphill, so I did alright. Today is suppose to be my day off, but I might go ahead and try to wog anyways. especially since I only walked yesterday. I try to keep to a schedual of 2 days on and 1 off, 2 days on and 1 off. today would make day 3 in a row, but since it was a lighter workout yesterday i just might take some advil, and go for it.
    I hope you all have a good weekend and get out there and wog.:happy:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    :drinker: morning bump :drinker:
  • bikergirl10
    bikergirl10 Posts: 35
    Thanks for the invite!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Ok, I did my part today. I really wasn't into it , but I did it. I accomplished my wog for the day. 3.5miles in 45min. I must say I was happy to see it over, but I was glad I did it. I was able to eat a nice dinner, "not a cheat dinner either" and I still have enough cal's left over for a nice snack this evening.
    :happy: I hope you are all having a good weekend too. :smile: