

  • A newborn calf and a human head! WOW!!
  • I've been drinking one shake a day for almost a month now. They are really yummy and along with watching my calories all day, I am steadily losing weight. The reason I got them is just for the convenience. I usually eat either a protien bar or oats for breakfast. At lunch I have a shake and then eat dinner with my family…
  • I'm with ya!! Feel free to add me too!!
  • Yep!! Thats me!! Turning the big 4-0 in December and I want to be looking GOOOD!!! I wont be at my complete goal by then, but I'm working hard to get that way!! Feel free to add me!
  • Well I called and of course she didn't answer....left her a message....Just said I was confused because my daughter said it was a slumber party....and how I figured she got her wires crossed and such.....She just called back and said that Gracen was welcome to stay...that some of the other girls were. I told her I sure…
  • I just can't thank everyone enough for all of the replies!!! It's just so hard sometimes being in a new place and not really knowing what to do!! Like I said before, my daughter has been going to sleepovers since she was probably 4ish......She LOVES hanging out with her friends and is totally fearless! I so bad want for…
  • Ohhh my little girl is a TOTAL drama queen!!! And its really hard to see her get her feelings hurt!! I do want everyone reading to know that I would NEVER just take her somewhere that I don't know. I do know one of the other Mom's pretty well and her little girl is going, so that's why I was even considering it....SInce I…
  • Lucky you are absolutely right!! That has gone over and over in my mind as well. Before we moved to this small town we were surrounded by families and my daughter went to tons of sleepovers and I never questioned it because I knew everyone. Now, we are in a town that, even thought I'm a teacher and we're trying to plant…
  • Thanks so much for all of the replies!!! It's so great to know that we're not the only ones this is happening to!! I LOVE having a little girl, but sometimes I just want to pull my hair out!!!!
  • Even though I don't know Mom?
  • Artesia, NM :smile:
  • I'm in!!! Gender: Female Age: 39 Height: 5'6" SW: 340 (I was actually 330 when I started on MFP) CW: 319 GW: 180 NSV goals:Wearing high heals! Shopping anywhere but PLUS SIZE stores! Keeping up with my 7 year old daughter!! Add me if we're weight-loss twinsies (or even distant cousins)! *SW = starting weight, CW = current…
  • Dear Bronchial Infection, You came into my life when I least expected it! I did not invite you and I surely did not invite your nasty friend fever! You have stolen all of my energy and kept me from working out for 3 days! I am giving you one last chance to leave on your own! The Z-Pac Army has been called into action and…