DelilahFreeman Member


  • I am 5'0 and currently 153 lbs. my current goal is 130 (which I look great at) however, my long term goal is 115. 116.6 and a BMI for 22 is my ideal stats for my age/height/build.
  • Welcome to MFP! You're goals are attainable :) sending you a friend request.
  • Sending you a request :)
  • Hello all, I'm Delilah. 28, happily married for almost 5 years with 2 kids (very active and talkative girls). I live in North Carolina and work in an office as a property manager. This is my second go-around with this weight. I almost reached my goal weight in 2012 and then ceased all efforts. Needless to say I didn't…
  • Sending you a friend request. Welcome to MFP! I have a desk job so I sit a lot as well. I do LOVE water though so I can totally push you on that. I drink nothing but water and coffee (my weakness). From time to time I'll have tea or wine. Let me know if you have any questions about MFP- took me a while to navigate…
  • Sending you a friend request. Welcome to MFP!! Let the shedding begin...
  • Hahahaha! Hilarious! and truth! When your body becomes adjusted to eating proper portions and receiving adequate nutrition and then you "cheat" you will suffer the consequence.
  • Nothing but cons::: I agree! We are not dogs, we do not get "rewards" for good behavior. Everything in moderation! if you can not afford a "cheat" than you probably don't need it. Fit your favorite foods into your routine eating habits. Either find a healthier recipe, or cut the portion, or exercise more to offset the…
  • I am all for viewing diaries (ideas on low cal and clean eat foods) and also would love any feedback on my own diary entries. I need to be called on the carpet when I eat something that is inappropriate for my goals and/or health. I also am always interested in other people's dietary beliefs. I've met so many enthusiasts…
  • Mine are 6 & 11. Not as young as they once were :tongue: However, I have always felt like it was easier, for me, to get my work outs in during the morning before I start the day. (Preferrably before I drag them out of the bed by their toes) and it gives me energy for the day. The problem is : getting up earlier than you…
  • LOL no wonder we didn't have more takers on the 12 lbs in February challenge! Whew! what hard work did we sign up for? I'm not so sure that I'll make my goal but I am convinced that my motives are right and that I am not on a diet! I am making entire lifestyle changes and I know that there is NO going back for me. I'm…
  • Subway= Wonderful! My husband and I had it for dinner today. He had the turkey breast on italian for 280 cal and I had veggie delite on italian for 230 cal. It's all about good choices. They DO have unhealthy options as well. We just do mustard/salt & pepper - no mayo/oil/or dressings.
  • I was a lover of fast food and I guess you could say I still am..... BUT I now refuse to eat most of what you can get from fast food restaurants. There are a lot more options with fast food now, which includes a number of rather healthy options- grilled chicken, variety of salads, yogurts, etc BUT the burgers, pizza, and…
  • This is what I'm going to do, thanks!!
  • I think this is case by case, as with most diet regimens. My husband eats bananas often in order to get potassium and he has lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • Thanks for all the feedback. I am losing weight currently and I'm nervous about doing anything differently for fear that it is going to throw a wrench in my weight loss. Hard to go for something when there are so many mixed reviews, I am not very adventurous! LOL
  • I don't have a problem with "sweets" but I can hit my sugar target just by eating meals. I think I will just experiement with staying under my sugars versus going over w/ natural sugars only and see what works best for me and my weight loss goals. Thanks for all the advice. I am gaining a lot of perspective on weight loss…
  • Hi, I'm Delilah, I'm 27 facing the big 28 in May. I am married for almost 4 years, while we've been together for almost 8. We have 2 beautiful & active girls. I have 20 more lbs that I want to lose- the sooner the better. I have been dieting and working out for a year now (with a couple breaks from counting calories) and I…
  • Congrats on the weight loss to date!!
  • How long did it take you to put on the weight?? :wink: I have been working out and counting calories for a year now. I have lost 25 lbs and I am very happy with my success! I am now working, extremely hard, at getting to my ideal goal which is another 20 lb weight loss. It's much harder! I'm working out for hours every…
  • 27 yo mother of 2 very active girls!! Hoping to become more fit so that I might keep up with them :) I've lost 25 lbs in the past year and I'm trying to finish the second half (20 lbs to go) I also have only ever used the mobile app, so was unaware of the community feature. Sending some of you friend requests.