amykins514 Member


  • I've been overweight since I was just a child, the result of being able to drink many sodas a day starting at age 4, along with a lot of fast food for dinners as a kid. I just recently became a size 14, which is the same size I was as a freshman in high school, which is so odd to think about... Personally, being overweight…
  • I'm always looking for new friends on here! Please feel free to add me! :)
  • As I said in my original post, I know it's not my problem, but it frustrates me to hear her complain about being so miserable and then not do anything about it. I do care about this person, and I want her happy, but if she doesn't want to take action for herself, I'm powerless to help, and *that* is probably where the…
  • Like someone else said, you have to remember why you want to get healthy. If you can remember your why, you can tolerate any how. (I totally stole that from Jillian Michaels, BTW.) I have that on my computer monitor at work on a Post-It, and at home on my refrigerator to remind myself when I feel like I'm losing my…
  • That's awesome! 3 pounds in a week is fantastic! It can be hard finding time, but it's so worth it in the end. Also -- don't second guess yourself!! Be proud of what you accomplished, don't eat too little (shoot for your calorie goal), move more, and you'll get to where you want to be. Feel free to add me if you'd like…
    in Wow. Comment by amykins514 June 2012
  • Welcome! I'm also a mommy looking for support. My daughter is almost 14 months old, and it can be hard balancing her, work, my husband, my health, and just life in general. I'll send you a friend request, and hopefully we can support each other through this! :)
  • I'm in Duluth, and the heat is awful! A co-worker and I had been running during our lunch breaks, but we've had to stop for now because we both felt like we were going to pass out. lol
  • That's awesome! I'm a big JM fan, and Body Revolution is my probably my favorite thing she's done so far. Are you following her nutrition plan as well? I'm trying to eat things from the Master Your Metabolism cookbook, but it can be hard to find time to spend in the kitchen. Great job with the weight loss!!! :)
  • Feel free to add me as a friend! :)