

  • I realize that I am quite tardy in responding to your excellent question! Sorry! I can not imagine that logging each and every taste would be practical in any way. My recommendation would would be to guestimate for the day and just add X number of calories some how. Only you can judge when you are eating vs tasting, but I…
  • Hey israelichick! Thanks for joining our little group! I'm sorry were are not more active! But we are working on it! :wink:
  • Surprised there aren't more here, but it's ok. I've been wrestling with my self sabotaging demons lately. Can't seem to be strong enough to keep "good". :-(
  • EXACTLY Jackeline! It is so hard to motivate to work out when your feet ache so much from the night before! I think I am going to go with "Lightly Active" for a while too... Seems to make the most sense. And I won't count work as work-outs! Just bonus calories burned I guess! Welcome you guys to our new group!
  • Yeah, I think the lightly active is probably the best setting for now, on average. Thanks for the input and welcome guys! I have always wanted to try a pedometer at work, it has to be many thousands of steps - stairs too! Tom
  • Hi I'm super new here! But I am looking for people in the service industry to join my group: Service Industry We have unique challenges and I love this thread that addresses some of them. Thought we could formalize a bit in a group setting. Nice to meet you! Tom
  • Hi everyone! I'm brand new today here and I'm very excited about this site and associated apps! Also, sorry to dredge up an older thread, but it addresses my question perfectly. Here is my situation: I work at an extremely busy restaurant 2-3 days a week, 8-10 hours with no break. The rest of the week I do web design and…