Same aug 26th x
I feel the same I'm 10 weeks I'm up about 8lbs .i was never sick but had to eat about ever two hours , bin feeling a lot better so going to get back on being heathy , christmas didn't help I found out on Christmas eve , hope that has made you feel better x
5"8 -162 lbs :)
Wow you look great xx
Hi I have just started doing body balance at the gym a mix of Pilates and zoga , I hope I see a difference that yours , you look brill !!!
Hi I don't think there is a lot you can do when you have them , they say you shouldn't lose the weight to fast or put on to fast , I have bin up and down with my weight but only between 1-1 1/2 stone and I have them I use bio oil it helps x
Thanks everyone:smile:
Starting tomorrow as I'm going bed now it's 10pm and I need my beauty sleep x
Thanks i just think I was stressing about it , after a bad few days but I no what to do its doing it x
I dont want to feel like I'm on a diet !
Ok thanks will give it a look x
That helps did think it must be set low I go to the gym a lot and I always thought protein is good when your working out a lot ! I will also try and keep it clean x
Thanks I didn't no that about protein ! It just gets a bit confusing sometimes x
It might work for you everyone is different , a few girls from work have lost over a stone already x
I did it sort off but just felt it was hard to keep up , I look at what I'm doing now and it's a way of life not a diet , I just feel that when I cut things out I want them more !!!
Same alot of my friends log on at night which is great if you can't sleep but could do with some friends for the uk !!!!!
Hi always looking for new friends I'm looking to lose 10 lbs and tone up for my wedding day !!
Wow I love Easter !!
Dark choc 85% is good and you can't eat lots x
Hi I'm 5.8 I weigh 166.5 lbs I'm in a 14 at the min never bin a 12 , my wedding dress is a 12 !!!
I do it all the time, sometimes you have to x
Hi I have bin doing this on and off since Christmas , I started again last week I said I wanted to lose a pound a week and I did so if I can anyone can x
I just log the nearest thing to it , I find it better than not logging at all x
Thanks its hard but good when you see results !
Thank you i get it now , I was feeling very guilty eating them back !
I think it's good that you have logged it you no you have gone a little wrong but your ready to sort it out you can pull it back we all do at some point don't let it get you down today is a new day :)
Hi I'm jo always looking for new friends I want to lose 10lbs for my wedding , it's bin hard work so far but it will be worth it ( nothing tastes as good as slim feels )
I love strawberries :)
Hi I'm jo I'm getting married this year and got a dress to get into x
Hi I'm jo I love the gym and the more friends the better x