

  • Definite victory and share-worthy! Great job!
  • Glad you're not looking for medical advice because a doctor I'm not! My opinion is you lose weight, you have to continually decrease your caloric intake to continue losing. If you start out at rock bottom (1200 calories), where do you have to go once you plateau? I think you're doing yourself more harm than good…
  • I've always heard .5 to 2 lbs a week is a good, steady weight loss goal. This gives your skin opportunity to regain elasticity as you lose weight. When you lose gobs of weight at a time, your skin simply can't keep up and, hence, sagging skin. Also, the longer it takes for you to lose it, the more likely you are to…
  • Exactly how does a fitbit work? Does it track your movements all day and tell you how many calories you burned or is it more of a glorified pedometer? Is it a HRM as well?
  • Wow! You are an inspiration to those of us who aspire to be in the century-mark club! Any advice? Would love to pick your brain!!
  • I am 5 months post-op and down 61 lbs. I just broke through my 2nd plateau and am so proud of myself for not becoming discouraged. Pre-surgery, I would have give up after a week or two of doing everything right and exercising but not losing weight. I know the surgery did not fix my emotional ties I have with food but it…
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