clarkie57 Member


  • your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories to function during the day. Its suggested that you dont fall below that amount. but if you want I would suggest you try each and see what works, if you lose weight. I recently had the same struggle no matter what i did the scale did not work. I was not doing WW however. I have in…
  • you really might NOT be getting enough calories or nutrients???
  • i am having the same problem. Been here for 4 weeks along with guidance from a nutritionist. the first week i lost 2.4 lbs, then .4 last week .2 this week NOTHING!! this is typical for me with " other" weigh loss plans which is why i went the nutrition route!! Its pretty difficult i think to rev up the metabolism!!I was…
  • Cereals should be high in fiber 3gms per serving or more and low in sugar 5gms or less. Go for some that list only one or 2 ingredients and in their most natural state, Oatmeal ( the old fashioned kind)
  • I am seeing a nutritionist to help me in this journey. One thing she suggested was before you eat something ask yourself " would i eat a salad right now" if you say " yes" then you are really hungry. Otherwise if you are not and are eating from stress, anger, sadness, verbalize it, say out loud " i am hurt, i am sad..." i…
  • I AM A big fan of Zumba too, but as someone else posted you might have to switch it up. Different instructors have different routines that might work different parts of your body. Have you tried finding any Master classes in your area? Those are generally 90 minutes to 2 hours long!! I might also try incorporating some…
  • i would say NO! If you feel well enough to work out, go for it! You will circulate your blood and maybe knock some of the germs out of your system. Just make sure not to sneeze on anyone!! LOL if you are on a machine wipe it off before you get on and off!!!
  • Thats exactly who i was thinking about while reading this post. She is STUNNING. I asked my husband who he thought was more attractive on the show." Joan" or" Betty". He picked Joan hands down, but he said some of it had to do with the fact she had more confidence than " Betty" . She carries herself WELL!! . I read an…