

  • Bright DIDN'T gain this week! :) It will come off. Just don't give up!
  • Don't give up! Remember that muscle is heavier than fat. I know it is hard. I have been in a plateau for about 3 months. Just remember, it takes time for flowers to grow too. The wait, and patience will be worth it. Keep up with your food intake and Exercise output! What goes in HAS TO BE LESS than What is worked out! You…
  • FROM...Everywhere! Lived in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, North Carolina, Texas, Kansas, Michigan, Germany, Turkey and Australia....Now....Lee's Summit Missouri....of all the places to end up!!!!! It is just Southeast of Kansas City.....
  • Great story! Great accomplishment! I would go for the 75# too! I am glad I read your story. I have been stuck in a plateau for a month. down 2#....up 2#.... I have even splurged to shock my system...didn't work. Just made me uncomfortable for the day. Your story has given me the inspiration to continue my journey. I WILL…
  • • Gender: Female • Age: 44+4....okay, 48 • Starting weight: 308 • Current weight: 251 • Goal weight: 190 • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? I am losing weight for ME! I am just tired of being stuck in a fat/unhealthy body! • Tell me a bit about your past… I used to be very much in shape. Was bedrest…
  • I agree that you need to see an Orthopaedic doctor for a knee brace. I thought a knee brace would fix my problems....the one I got...not prescribed...just made everything worse! Now, I have been seeing Sports Medicine, found out I have "Runner's Knee". Where the kneecap slips. I have to STOP wearing the brace, hold off on…
  • I feel your pain! Have you tried cutting Carbs? I finally went to the doctor and found that I am HIGHLY sensitive to Carbs. I usually stay around 40 a day....yes, that is REAL LOW; however, it works for me. Some people can do great with 60-80 Carbs a day. Try it...if anything else, it can shock your system into weight…
  • You know, I weigh daily; however, it isn't to check the is to remind me to stay out of the snack cabinet or fridge. My scale is right by my fridge. Weight will flucuate on a daily, and hourly basis. Depends on the water you drink, the exercises you are doing, the clothes you are wearing, how you are…
  • My goal is really for November. On my birthday I want...WILL...go and buy a brand new wardrobe! I am down 55....I would like to REMOVE another 50 by November. For the summer, I am looking at being able to run, even if not fast, a 5K without having to gasp for Oxygen. That goal is for the end of August.
  • Congratulations! Just don't be upset if the first couple #s come back... It will soon be going away forever! Keep up the journey. Enjoy these good days, and remember them when you feel discouraged!
  • Great Job! Not easy, but well worth it!!!
  • I am proud of you!!!! 5K is difficult! Just remember, even if you have to walk SOME of STILL BEAT THE SOFA at home! I am working towards running a COMPLETE 5K...and I am determined to run UP Hospital Hill this year....without the need for O2! You can do it! I'm behind you, or beside you....either way, you will do…
  • My insulin levels are CRITICAL. She wants me less than 60 for 2 months, then recheck. I thought I was doing great yesterday....eating fresh vegetables......Broccoli was the killer!!! I am going to ask if it matters about "good" carbs...such as Broccoli.
  • The Shawshank Redemption Green Street Hooligans Boondock Saints (1, not 2) TV: The Big Bang Theory, of course!
  • You can add me! I started at 305....I am down to 278. My FIRST goal is 250. I can always use the encouragement, and I can give encouragement also! Let's do the journey together! TEAM work!!!!!
  • I've been using the Fit Bit for 3 months now. Haven't lost too much weight; however, I am real in tune to calorie in and out and it measures my sleep....I have been real surprised how restless I am sleeping. Doctors say that can cause plateaus also.... I really like the Fit Bit, and it is MUCH cheaper than the Body Bug.
  • Congratulations! What a tremendous success story! You are an inspiration!
  • My job has "Walktober" going also. I joined that. Weekends, I have no problem pushing 12000+...weekdays, I usually am ending at 7000-8000 steps. I am going to hit the 10000 a day for at least 1 FULL week...that is my personal goal. I may be walking until midnight, but I will do it!!! Oct 1 = 7794 Oct 2 = 4431(not good, was…
  • Congrats! That must have been difficult for you.
  • So far I have made it!!! Much harder than I anticipated because of my work/activity schedule. I think I will continue for another week.
  • All I can say is I LOVE MY BRONCOS!!!!!! So we didn't win this week. That's okay! I live in Kansas City....really????? That is like watching Pee Wee football....oh, no....Chiefs are much more entertaining....laugh wise!
  • Okay...starting tomorrow.....this will be difficult! I am so busy, I rarely eat at home....until tomorrow! Here we go!
  • Thank you so much! I needed to hear this. I am going to continue to strive for success. I know it will take a long time to lose my weight; I would like to lose 50#. I also know it took a while to get the weight on. I just have to remember DAILY that it is only One Day at a Time....Sometimes, that is a lot to remember......…