

  • over here mostly eat fresh foods so they dont come with labels lol! thanks for the turkey for beef idea :)
  • cant get that vanilla syrup here in Colombia, what about vanilla essence? would that work? any idea what that would do to the calorie count?
  • Thanks for the welcome I live in Cartagena, and yes the diet is different, lots of rice, and their fascination with fried foods puts Scotland to shame!! despite working with kids my work is quite stationary, office, admin etc! mon-fri 8-5pm! so not as much exercise as you got when you were here! Where did you visit?
  • you mean just a short, soon to be thin, white guy :wink:
  • I am English, from Stoke-on-Trent, but have been living in Cartagena, Colombia for the last 2 years trying to get my visa to be able to stay here for another 2 and beyond :happy: