

  • I love my curls, and so does my fiance! I never flat-iron my hair... it doesn't look good, and feels like hay! I wouldn't change it for the world!
  • Right around 100F here in Southern WV... with hundreds of thousands of homes without power since last FRIDAY because of the crazy wind storms we had! I was one of the very lucky ones, and never lost power, thank jeebus!
  • I would have done the same thing. This heat is ridiculous. lol Wish I could add something that was actually helpful to you... but alas, I can not. Stay cool, and best luck finding a more permanent solution! =))
  • Congratulations! You look AH-MA-ZING!!! You give me hope that I can do this too! I'm just starting out at a bit more than you did (285#), and my first major goal is to get to 199#, to not see that '2' in front! :happy:
  • Amen! Same with me. I have MS, and there are many days that I cannot get out of bed at all. And oftentimes when I can get about a bit, my feet are so numb I can't tell where they are without looking, and they feel as if they weigh 5000#! I dare someone to tell me that spending 30 minutes putting things away and walking…
  • I LOVE Mio! Haven't tried a flavor I didn't like yet! Helps me reach my water goal every day! =))