lozadee Member


  • Your going out after work? Not feeling too good? Not in the mood? You've got a headache? Your saving your snacks for the weekend? Universal excuses to most things :love: :love: :love:
  • THIS!
  • Are your intolerances diagnosed by a doctor or self? I'm struggling with an intolerance but cant tell what exactly or if its worth bothering a doctor with...any advice?
  • PRO BEARD, fully accepting of stubble and most bald faced men i mentally add face fur on in my head :D
  • i usually hate questions like this so apologies in advance, is it self rasing or plain flour?
  • bump
  • On 30DS they have a bit to use a jump rope but they just say to hold your arms ridgid as if you had a jump rope and move them in circles (as if you had a rope) and jump - no rope needed
  • I bought this about a year ago - telling myself 100% I WILL do it...stick to it....this is gonna be the encouragement I need....bla bla blalllalalalal ...Your post has just encouraged me to TAKE IT OUT THE PLASTIC FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! ...We're all human...lets give this shizzle a go....I didnt know I'd like the biscuits…
  • Surely you'd log it as the 10% because the amount your draining off will be such a minimal amount its not worth over thinking and its best to air on the side of caution in my opinion and over log than under log. plus theres no true way to tell what liquid has formed off the meat
  • green tea with blueberrys is my current favourite :) nothing going to help you out if you dont actually like the taste of it
  • Im sure the topic says contribute not a direct result of... and as its quite rightly pointed out I was looking for the link to read/see someone elses perspective/tips not as an excuse
  • Thanks for adding the link :D thats exactly what I was looking for Thats all I was asking for - I didnt say I agree or diasagree but I'm certainly open to reading and giving everyone their own oportunity to be heard/taken seriously/vent their thoughts!
  • id log 1/2 the time you state because from my experience theres as much sitting/standing at the same time and id log the food/drink - sometimes retrospective to the weekend but i would to keep an eye on input/out put ect.
  • I can understand from the oposite side aswell, I'm bigger but when I order salad its like "ooh arnt you good - i coudlnt eat like you!" well c learly ive not found the secret to eating well seen as im bigger! Or if i order chips ect its "Oh im trying to be good!" like a little reminder i could do better... I hate having to…
  • Probably the answer you didnt want but, didnt your doctor offer any suggestions of a fat free, dairy free diet? That seems mighty restrictive?
    in Fat Free Comment by lozadee March 2013
  • Check with the gym/instructor - tell them what reasons your recommended to avoid cardio for and they will recommend based on that - the class content is too varied to go on recommendations on here
  • At my unfittest I started out doing 13 sit ups, twists and stretches of a morning....took less than 10 min (in all honesty a lot less when i first started and was very 1/2 assed!) felt aches and twinges here there and everywhere...gradually I increased it and added various streches here and there and now its easier - cost…
  • Bread - did it a few year ago - really surprising how effective it is
  • Glad we arnt judging someone asking a good question! I like alcohol but last time i checked its not a problem for me or anyone around me...
  • Id also vote against lidl and aldi as it doesnt last, aldi is nice if your eating it that day but the next day its really sour and browning. I buy single stuff rather than bags becuase i cant limit the damaged bumps and bruises ect! Can you buy stuff make big pots of your meal and freeze it so its ready when you need it…
  • if you eat less throughout the day becareful your not too hungry when you get there and end up over ordering because you was hungry through the day - try drink heaps of water when you leave the house to fill the gap :)
  • WOW! Just wow - thanks everyone....after reading the word mushroom that many times it no longer looks like a word! lol - massive thanks - when i turn into a mushroom from eating too many il be sure to think of you all :) x
  • if its intense and working for you - the dodgy tummy could be the fat fighting its way out - if you think its purely exercise id say push through - if you think your causing harm or in a painful type of pain then calm down with it but if its benefit pain push though :)
  • Could you not grin and bare it...for example before i eat i try and make a point of finishing the water in my glass (close to a pint sometimes) i cant always say i want to but ive built it up and formed a habbit of it now What about sucking small ice cubes, adding water to sauces, if your increasing from one cup of tea,…
  • hahaa.....next time i feel like throwing in the towel im gonna think of how much this just made me laugh and get right back to the gym! :D leg - end!