Thindown Member


  • Fantastic job! Amazing results! Congrats!
  • Thanks for the tip. I play hockey once a week and love that. I used to live in Minnesota too. Eden Prairie, went to high school there, and I don't remember it being too much warmer. (:
  • Hi, I know what you mean. My weakness is pizza and blizzards, love them. I lost 100 pounds a fw years ago, when my gym closed suddenly, i slowly put it back on. Finally, after my wife encouraged me by losing 30 pounds, I joined a gym again and have taken off 40 pounds. I find, for me, I need to exercise which makes me not…
  • You've started in the right direction with this website. Track your calories and stay within your recommended minimum calores and mix in some exercise and you will see results. There are all sorts of diets out there, but they all are the same eat less and exercise more and you will lose. Remember to consult with a…
  • Hi. I'm looking for 100 lbs off too, the second time. Lost it once and put it back on. I have lost 40 and am on the right track, but having support through this group will be a great help. Good luck and keep working towards your goal. It is worth it!
  • I don't think eggs have 24 g of fat, more like 5g according to the carton. The yoke is where the fat is, that's why people cut them out. I enjoy a hard boiled or poched egg every morning and do not separate the yoke.