

  • I have the same problem! I hate winter cos I know I won't be able to find boots that will do up around my calves.. and I'm 5'1 which makes it look so much worse. The best thing I found for the days when I hate my calves is heels.. I'm also trying yoga and ballet strength training to smooth the muscles out (fingers crossed)…
  • Hi I'm Amy and just moved to Sydney a month ago so 'newbie".. living in Woolloomooloo and would love to know if there are any city siders looking for a workout buddy
  • I'm way out of the box here.. gluten and dairy intolerant!! Which makes normal breakfast foods nigh on impossible.. I can manage oats but never gotten into the taste of them unless it's the depths of winter. So I chow down some brown rice salad and gluten free chicken sausages (the mini ones) - it's weird at first but…
  • Ok maybe bad terminology there on my part.. I do find that when I build my muscle I get a different shape depending on the type of training I have been doing.. compare a yoga trainers arms to a fitness instructor.. the muscle definition is softer.. If I use heavy weights on my arms & shoulders I tend to get solid round…
  • You don't need to join a gym to do weights.. many of the best strength exercises you can do easily at home using your own body weight.. Also sports shops sell dumbells really cheap.. I only go to the gym if I feel the need for a personal trainer or extra motivation.. I'm using the Bar Method as my strength training and…
  • Hmm hadn't really thought about the sodium content.. I only have one little fish worth of soy sauce with my sushi roll for lunch.. and the noodle soups are from chinatown so real broth made with bones, not the packet stuff packed with salt.. but then again you don't know what else they're putting in there.