SJWojo Member


  • Yes, I would be very interested in hearing how Almased works for you. It's tough enough to be on insulin but it's especially hard when you are trying to shed some unwanted pounds. If it works for you, without any adverse effects to your BG levels, I may want to give it a shot (no pun intended) myself. Sheila
    in Almased Comment by SJWojo March 2012
  • Using the Paradigm pump but don't care to use the CGM. I don't know how I managed without the pump but ... I must have done something right because I have been insulin dependent for more than 50 years and, except for the normal issues an "older" person deals with, I am fairly healthy.
  • I have been insulin dependent for more than 50 years and started using the MiniMed insulin pump almost two years ago. I took a class on pump management and, in prder to tell the pump how much insulin to bolus, you need to tell it how many carbs you’re eating. I was instructed to deduct the amount of fiber grams from the…
    in Net carbs Comment by SJWojo January 2012
  • I agree ... I hate the idea of wearing a sensor and the cannula. I have heaard you can't rely on the sensor so you need to rely on your monitpr and that means pricking your finger so ... I'm not too sure I would even want a CGM. I have heard that Animas is developing an artificial pancreas that will detect a high and a lpw…