

  • glypta, I am in the same boat. I completed my food entries last night, and an hour later came in and raided the fridge. I was too ashamed to even log it. Today is a new day. Let's get through it together, folks! Thanks for being there for me to be honest with.
  • wearing 2 bras was the best advice I've ever had! Don't know why I didn't think of it myself...
  • Weekends ARE pretty hard! I really don't know how I managed to stay under my calories, but I did! I can't even allow myself to enjoy that victory, though, because it was SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!! It felt like such deprivation! I just wish I could eat like a normal person without the effort half killing me. Can you guys relate to…
  • WOW! I had a very good day! I had a couple of boiled eggs mid morning instead of my usual granola bar, and that carried me through so much better! I think I'm gonna go low carb. My body seems to respond better to that style of eating. Carbs just make me want more carbs. I hear you about popcorn, Diane!! I could eat it til…
  • Hi Friends, just wanted you all to know that I'm learning from you. I kept so busy today that I didn't binge. I'm so happy. There are so many better things to do than stuff myself. Funny, I couldn't come up with a simple solution like that on my own. Thant;s what friends are for, though, right? THANKS!!!!
  • Thanks for this Melissa. This is helpful.
  • I have never realized that there is a name for what I suffer from. Thank you all for being there. I need to be part of this, please. I have 1 day of not binging. I pray that today I will be strong, too.
  • Thanks you guys. Not giving up. Today will be better. I'm considering seeing a counselor, but I know myself. The pain is intense, but it doesn't last too long. By the time my appointment comes, I will be feeling fine and not want to go there emotionally. Also, I have to consider that it's my TOM. Bless you all for your…
  • Bad day. Ex pleading for me to return. It hurts so bad. I must be strong, but all I want to do is eat.
  • Thank you so much for posting this! I REALLY needed to read this right now. I will stick with it, too. Thanks for giving us a little of your strength! You rock!
  • I just LOVE this! Thank you so much!!
  • I can only sit back and admire you guys. I wouldn't even try to cut out my glass or 2 of wine each night. Not to mention a little teqila on the weeeeeekends! I'm thinking it's keeping me sane. I do add it into my budget, though....:drinker:
  • Those were the toughest for me! I don't want to be a downer here, but beware, once you have got them off, they want you back REAL bad!! Be diligent! I got down to my best weight and the last 10 were an awful struggle, then life kicked me hard, and the 10 came back with a pal or 2. So, now we are in the same boat. Let's do…
  • Thank you so much, Girls! Last night I was able to control my eating. I stayed under (just barely) my calorie budget, and woke up almost 2 pounds lighter! Bless you all for being there and giving such great advice! I can do this!
  • Welcome, and thank you for your family's service. Let's not think about the 80. Let's think about the first 5. It's easy to lose 5 pounds. After that, look at the next five. Before you know it, it will be 40 pounds, then 60. Small steps take you home. Lots of love!
  • OK, my friends, today is going to be a better day. I am taking all of your sage advice! I have plans and little sticky notes placed around the room. On my art supplies, it says, "don't eat, draw!" On my stack of divorce problem papers it says "don't eat, research!" We can do this with each other for support! I feel that…
  • Wow! You guys are so great!! Thank you ! I just printed out your replies. I'm going to stick it on my cupboard where the trail mix ( my downfall) is kept. Bless you all for your support. I should have written before I started to binge tonight. I think you might have saved me!
  • That is a very good idea! :-)