support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome Angie!
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Hi folks, well I had a weekend of bingeing. And not the 'I'm doing it on fruit in my allocated calories' kind. I don't know if it was triggered by the hope that I'd be 'cured' yesterday, but it happened. It started with the fruit. Then more fruit, in an attempt to keep the big one at bay. Then the dried fruit. And then 'if I sick it up, it'll be ok'. So then I had a whole box of chocolates followed by the remainder of a huge (like 200g or 500g) bar of chocolate. Felt sick, though not physically - mentally, you know the drill. Shame, regret, guilt. So I sicked up what I could, felt relieved, though more guilty and ashamed, and took myself to bed, as there's no food habit there.

    Went to the NLP guy, and we developed my goals ~
    1. To enjoy running more - I want to keep it up. It's good for me, it keeps my weight in check, and I get (certainly no endorphines) a good feeling at having completed it. If only I could actually not dread doing it so much...
    2. To make better choices - I'm so, so good at being 'good' most of the time: why can't I do it when the bingey-need arrives? He asked me why, and I got so upset, because I just don't know: I don't do it (I don't think) out of depression, stress, anxiety, etc. At best it might be boredon, or a general (single) loneliness, but I'm certainly used to the latter (unfortunately!). And that should stop the bingeing: I don't want to not purge (sorry - well I do, but not if I'm still bingeing), but I want to stop bingeing, so badly.
    3. To be content not eating: and that's not to not want to eat, but to comfortably sit in front of the TV at night and not feel I NEED to eat something to be relaxed and calm.
    4. To relieve myself of the guilt I feel when I feel I've eaten something bad ~ this made me worry as it's the guit that kepps me on the straight and narrow, but he assured me if I can keep the running (and like it!), keep making good choices, then why would I need to binge?

    However, the usual 'tools' don't work on me, so I've to go back for a few sessions (no extra cost, he assures me) and do it bit by bit, and it seems that my initial suggestion, which had me in tears (I think I was grieving for my future no-cakes) was to just make me not want my trigger foods. He was against this, as it restricts my diet more and eliminates choice, but I'm such an oddity/whatever that it seems very unlikely tradtitional tools will work (visualisation, etc). He's not altogether cool with it but thinks it'll be more effective for what I want. Imagine, not WANTING biscuits and chocolate!!! How free would I feel!!!

    So, I met my friend afterwards, we had a healthy lunch, followed by cake and ice cream (yum) then I went to my friend's for dinner and had far too much (albeit healthhy) pasta, followed by a whole banoffee cheesecake between the three of us. And garlic bread (not in that order). I didn't sick it up, but felt guilty about not doing so (and I didn't because she knows I do, and she told me I'd fecking better well not!).

    So now I'm off for a run, then I'm calling my friend to cancel dinner tonight so I can't be tempted by burger, chips and pudding (which was the best of all three I'd ever had at that same restaurant before :frown: ). Good choice food-wise, bad choice fun/friendship-wise.
    Thanks for listening/reading. Hope you all had a better weekend food-wise than me. xxx
  • MrsBattousai

    Day 2 no binging! Getting there!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Day 2 no binging! Getting there!

    Excellent!! Keep up the good work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    One Day at a Time
    September 12, 2010

    ~ LOVE ~

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    "Love yourself first and everything else
    falls into line. You really have to
    love yourself to get anything done in
    this world."

    Lucille Ball

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    It took me a long time to learn what
    love truly means. I thought love
    included pleasing others, saying "yes"
    when I meant "no," swallowing my true
    feelings and putting myself last. What I
    didn’t know is that I was practicing
    resentment, anger, fear, jealousy and
    everything but love. I could not love
    others because I did not love myself.

    Then I decided to take care of myself
    first. I considered no one but me, took
    care of myself, (or so I thought) while
    actually alienating myself from those
    close to me. I ate compulsively to tame
    the self-loathing I felt inside. And I
    loathed myself because I did not treat
    myself with real love and kindness.

    Today I know that loving myself must
    come first. If I love myself, I am
    better able to love everyone in my life
    because I do things from a place of
    honesty. If I treat myself with respect,
    I treat others with respect. Everyone
    wins when I love myself enough to accept
    myself, flaws and all.

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    I will ask my Higher Power for the
    ability to accept and love myself for where I
    am this day, knowing I am a work in progress like a
    tree that grows from self-care and nurturing.

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~

    "God, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference."
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Good morning everyone. Glypta, thank you so much for sharing your weekend with us. Not even wanting to eat so much of the bad foods would be awesome, wouldn't it? I had an unfortunate binge day yesterday. I'm not sure if it started with the jello pudding pop I had a few hours after waking up or the wine the night before, but all day I was just insatiable for sugar. I couldn't get enough. I wanted chocolate and ice cream and lots of it. It got bad where I could tell I was just downing the food and not really even eating it and fully enjoying it. I even considered not logging it all because I was so ashamed of my lack of control. But I have to remember that one day is not a pattern and today is a new day.
  • MrsBattousai
    Hey! dianeg1981

    First of all we all fall down it how we get up that matters. Put it bind you because you can not can the past. Don't beat yourself up it is very hard sometimes. Just learn from it and your right log it in. Don't be like me and not log it in. It does help. It also tells you when you you binged for next time and j=keep your self busy for next time. You can do it!

    We are all here for you!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Good job on logging it anyways! And trying to analyze the trigger. You know there is not always a trigger for us. But it is good to see if you can find one. It may be sugar or emotional or again nothing at all. That why it is a disorder and we have to learn how to be mindful of it and manage it. That is important. Log no matter what. That is why I make my diary private now because I don not want to start playing games with myself. and I don't need imput from others because I know myself what I eat.

    Consistency not perfection. Keep up the good work!!
  • MrsBattousai

    So I had other binge day yesterday! But I'm moving on and going to my meeting tomorrow night for overeating so it should help to talk it out! Tks for the surport guys! Today will be better day!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hey, me too :( I'm pretty sure my hormones are taking over right now and it is very hard to battle them. It didn't help that I went grocery shopping last night too so I had a few extra goodies in the house. I've also been bad w/ exercise the past 3 days and I know on days I exercise I'm less prone to binge too. Tonight I see my personal trainer for a session so I'm looking forward to that and it will surely exhaust me so hopefully I can fall asleep w/ no problems.
  • MrsBattousai

    I figured one thing out about my binging, I'm way more prone to binge when I'm by myself so I try to be around people as much as I can. And when I'm byself I try to keep very busy. And try not to do one thing for to long. I also found as soon as I'm done eating I brush my teeth so no taste of food is there after. And the worest time for me is in the afternoon so I take a nap. Getting there slowly. One step at a time.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yesterday was better. I had the urge to binge last night big time but I also was legitamitely hungry so I ate a whole bag of 94% fat free popcorn, some yogurt and a fiber granola bar....and then a little chocolate. And I was able to stop thank goodness and went to bed.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Bump..I'd like to keep in touch, I am dealing with this myself..I've gained back about 30lbs since feb. when I was in a car accident (kinda emotional scars i'm dealing with now) and really am trying hard to get my body back! lol..just want to have as much support as i can:) Thanks!
  • Robin42

    I figured one thing out about my binging, I'm way more prone to binge when I'm by myself so I try to be around people as much as I can. And when I'm byself I try to keep very busy. And try not to do one thing for to long. I also found as soon as I'm done eating I brush my teeth so no taste of food is there after. And the worest time for me is in the afternoon so I take a nap. Getting there slowly. One step at a time.


    Thanks for this Melissa. This is helpful.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for September 15, 2010

    Harbor hope.

    So what do you do when you stumble? Do you shake your head in self-disgust and say to yourself, "Well, what else is new? I always screw up. What's the point?" Or do you humbly acknowledge the fact that you are a flawed human being (like everyone else on the planet) and vow to do better next time?

    If you "slam" yourself too much, you'll lose hope for the future. Hope is your heart's way of pushing you to try more, accomplish more, and be more. Don't extinguish that spark.

    Action for the day: Reflect on the most recent misstep you made in your weight loss journey. Determine what lesson can be learned from it, forgive yourself for it, and then move on.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good job Melissa and Diane!!! One Day at a time.....
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Mollie you are so awesome!
  • Robin42
    Hi Friends,
    just wanted you all to know that I'm learning from you. I kept so busy today that I didn't binge. I'm so happy. There are so many better things to do than stuff myself. Funny, I couldn't come up with a simple solution like that on my own. Thant;s what friends are for, though, right?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hello saw this site today and just had to write. I have suffered with ED all my life (from as early as can remember). Developed anorexia, bulimia, over- exercising, and finally emotional binge eating disorder. I joined OA is 2000 and as a result have come face to face with alot of my demons and worked the programme through 4 times, each time achieving more and more. I dropped a stone of weight in my first year and then noticed it was starting to creep up again over the past 4 years.

    OA does not endorse any food plan, it is up to you, so I decided to join here and count calories. I'm now finally shifting my last stone (maybe stone and half - 21 lbs).

    I don't attend OA meetings so much these days (moved out of the area) but do follow the spiritual side daily and find that keeps me in recovery.

    This problem is a lot more common that we think, at the time we think we are very alone, but we're not.

    Thanks for all sharing.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome Gill!

    Great job Robin!

    For myself, I have been eating a LOT of popcorn lately. I have just been insatiable. Stress, hormones, I don't know what's changed. I have still been keeping to my good foods throughout the day to keep me satisfied on a good amount of protein and fiber. But I just want to shove stuff in my mouth, but nothing healthy of course. I want sweet and I want salty. So I've been eating popcorn to ward off the salty and trying to keep the sweet to a minimum since that is much more of a trigger. Overall yesterday was another good day even though I had several snack foods in the evening. And I took an hour walk too after work so I felt good about that and tonight I'll see the trainer again. But sort of not looking forward to that because my glutes and hamms are killing me still from Tues' workout. I'm going to ask if we can focus on upper body instead. I hope everyone has a good day!