support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Congrats to Mrs B, you're doing great...but what about everybody else. How are you guys all doing? I hope that no one is ashamed to share their stories if you had a binge, I think if we can open up to each other, we can learn a lot from each person's individual experiences. I personally would love to read how the rest of you are doing.

    Me? Doing okay. Still battling the night time cravings pretty much every day. I love love love it when I don't even have to face temptation, but most days are not that easy. Last night I had my diary all filled out and then all of a sudden right before bed I start craving the devil sugar. I so should have just gone to bed, but I foolishly tried to tame the beast with a little chocolate. Unfortunately that seemed to have made it worse and then 3 squares of chocolate and a few spoonfuls of fat free cool whip later, I felt "better" and went to bed. I feel crappy about the extra meaningless calories I ate, but I am not going to be upset with myself because it was not nearly as bad as it has been in my past. I have to remind myself where I started from. And where I started from is a scary place. But way back then I wasn't logging my food and instead of 150-200 meaningless calories, I'd probably stuff my face with like 800-1000 calories w/o blinking an eye, maybe more. Some days definitely more. With my history, I am not striving for perfection. I want to improve my awareness and learn from how I feel at those times and I will continue to log whatever I eat, even if I'm not proud of it. The fat free cool whip must go though too, no reddi whip, no cool whip, no fluffy sugary stuff anymore for my fridge. I will still continue to buy smaller amounts of chocolate and occasional low sugar ice cream, but I know I don't really even crave cool whip, I just like it because it is sweet and light, and I try to justify it since it is so low in calories, but eating spoonful after spoonful is not good and it is too many grams of sugar. The other problem with cool whip and me is that it gives me a "full" sensation after I eat a whole bunch and that is not a sensation I want to attribute to bed time anymore (see my profile for more info on this). So cool whip is out! Nutritionally, and psychologically it is not good for me. One battle at a time, one battle at a time...
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Welcome Jamiss and Marci!!! Glad to have you join us.

    Thanks for sharing Diane. I encourage you, as you said, to not beat yourself up over the "meaningless calories". They were just a couple of hundred AND you were able to stop before it became a full-on binge. You have come a long way - Great job! I support you getting rid of the coo-whip/ready-whip - Never buy that garbage again!! :)

    I just now stopped myself from a binge. I am traveling today and am alone in the hotel and started eating food that I packed because I haven't eaten much all day. Had a fruit cup from Chickfila that I picked up earlier on the way in, a turkey snack stick, and a Larabar. That was a good meal. Then I had another Larabar and I was sufficiently full. Could have stopped at one, but 2 was ok given I haven't had much to eat today and my body probably needed it. I was full and and had definitely eaten enough, but I wanted to eat the 3rd Larabar because it was there and then all of the larabars would be gone (some kind of completion thing tied with bingeing). I picked it up was going to open it, then I just put it down. I argued in my head back and forth. Then sat down logged in to my computer and got on this site. The urge is now gone.

    I will probably go over my calorie goal today, because I will be eating out for dinner, and I am having a rest day from my running plan, but that is ok. That fact will also not spur me to binge. Its ok if I go over a little bit, I won't binge just because "i blew it for today". That does not make any sense. I am on a good path now, hanging in there. Today is the 12th day I have avoided having a full-on binge. Today (just described) and day 7 were very close but I was able to stop.

    I will need a lot of strength this week to not eat the wrong things and to not overeat on these wrong things. I know you are not supposed to have "good foods" and "bad foods", but I follow a Paleo-type diet that is challenging to accommodate when traveling. For me, sugar in all its forms, promotes overeating and bingeing. Being away from home, in a hotel, and having to eat out will really test me.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thank you for sharing also Tbfree. I applaud you for your success today saying no to those delicious little bars. You did the absolute right thing and so glad you signed into MFP when it hit. Good luck with dinner and when you're sitting in your hotel room tonight, think of your MFPeeps. I'll be thinking of you! Take good care sweetie!

    P.S. Stay far away from the vending machines at the hotel :)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi All. I have been back and forth, all over the map for the past few weeks. Making bad choices, having secret binges, then logging a few days of healthy eating.

    I just stopped myself tonight from a binge as well. I found myself thinking that my boyfriend will be out for a few hours -- that's long enough for me to stuff my face and be done before he's home. Then I got disgusted with myself for planning my own self-destruction. I wandered out to the garden instead, cut some mint, brewed a cup of mint tea and logged on to this site. It was enough to stop it tonight.

    it is a daily struggle for me though. I think I have the same issues where a little bit of sugar ALWAYS seems to lead to a full-fledged binge. I wish I weren't so all or nothing.
  • MrsBattousai
    Hey wanderinglight!

    Nice job with the not binging keep it up! Keep your self busy that's what I do it really works. And remember you are worth it never forget that and you own it to yourself to take care of you!

    Good luck!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Wandering light-- I am so glad to see you on this thread, thanks for posting. yeah, that all or nothing sugar thing is so totally bogus.

    So last night I did good, I completely stayed away from all temptations and just went to bed., I didn't even have a little of anything. It feels good to log a whole day of healthful food!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    hey everyone, just want to make my presence known :-) i had to pieces of cheese bread last night, i didnt feel guilty and beat ymself up about it for once! i didnt cry or hate myself. it was still bad to eat it but im glad that i didnt get depressed.

    gonna work it off tonight!
    ill check back in late,r on my way out the door to work "yay":noway:
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all. I haven't checked in for a while. I havent had too many good days recently so I didn't even log in. I'm getting so disappointed with myself and am beginning to wonder how I ever even lost the 18 pounds that I did lose. Sometimes I feel like such a loser. But anyway, I am SO GLAD to you see how well some of you are doing. I really enjoy reading about all of your successes. Keep up the great work.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been doing really well the past few days. I have avoided the chocolates, the ice creams, the cool whips, all of it. I think that will be a better approach than trying to just have a little because that sends me into a yearning craving state of mind that is frankly really annoying and when it happens I just want it to go away. But I've noticed these past 3 days that if I don't even indulge a little at night I feel almost normal...almost. AND that I can go a whole day w/o eating any of those bad things. That in itself is a revelation. I will pay more and more attention to my actual cravings and not eat "just a little" just because I want it.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Good job dianeg! What you're doing sounds like a great idea. I'm going to try your method and see if it works for me. What do you do to keep your mind and body away from all the sweets? Keep up the good work.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Hope--To keep my body away from sweets, I severely limit what I will even bring into the house. As of right now, I've got some plain chocolate squares, fat free cool whip (which I will not be buying any more of), and some sugar free whitman's chocolates that have been sitting in the pantry for a few months because they're not great, more like emergency chocolate. I finished the no sugar added ice cream last week or the week b4 and have not bought anymore of that yet. I'll probably wait for it to go on sale. I decided it was not something I needed to keep in the house all the time and if I really want ice cream I'll go to McD's for a 49 cent cone. I am not willing to give up the stash of chocolate though. It is better for me to have it, than try to fill the craving with something else. If it gets to be a problem sometimes I'll throw the chocolate up on the way top shelf that I need a stepladder to get anything off of.

    To keep my mind off it, there is nothing that I can do as a reaction, once the craving hits, it's go time. At first I try to ignore it, but sometimes it can be so overwhelming that it interferes with my train of thought and when I can't shake it off, I do indulge. I try very hard to keep it to a minimum and I eat very very slowly, so it doesn't even feel uncontrolled. So since I usually can't make the craving go away once it's hit, it has to be what I do beforehand to prevent the craving from even coming on. And as I've mentioned before over the past 6 months this has gotten easier and easier. I never thought a day would go by w/o me feeling an overwhelming urge to eat sugar. But with proper nutrition and following all my "rules", I really don't crave sugar that much (maybe 3-4X per week or less). It's when I have some that I can't seem to stop. But if I don't even have any "naughty" foods at all and just stick to my fuel foods, I'm usually safe. The way the nutrition coach has me eating is how I want to eat now forever because it is WORKING. Yes I'm losing weight and that is great, but I've been dealing with this eating disorder for too long now and I love that it seems to be getting better and better. This has been a problem for me for too long and I thought it was hopeless, but it isn't hopeless at all, I just didn't have the right tools and educations about food, but I do now. And I FEEL good. Healthy feels good. I like it a lot! Never in my whole life have I had a period of time where I only ate healthy foods and I really feel totally different.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    How's everybody doing?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • MrsBattousai

    I thought I would check in and see how you guys are doing? I'm going strong I think I have kicked binging out of my life for good. I'm 3 weeks and going strong. What I have been doing is keeping myself really busy and only eating when I'm hungry and eating slowly and stopping when I'm full! I still have times when I feel binging coming on but I try to find some else to do and change things up so I'm not tempted to binge. I hope everyone else is doing well! And good luck!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Good for you Mrs B!
  • lovehappinessed
    Hey guys!
    I found this board. I've been struggling with binge eating for a couple years now and I want it out of my life! Night time is the worst!! Any tips or things you guys have done that has helped?

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Love, welcome to the board. What has been helpful to me so far is nourishing my body with all the good foods that are full of fiber & protein throughout the day and then by the time the night comes around I'm not craving food because I'm already satisfied. My problem seems to be at night too and I've noticed that on the days that I don't have even a little sugar at night I'm better.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    I have not had a real binge in a while but I do struggle with it. I am also a compulsive over eater. The 2 go hand in hand, right. I just wanted to say hi and I am lurking here, even though I do not have the time to post regularly.

    Everyone keep up the good work! And we can do this! :flowerforyou:

  • lovehappinessed
    Ah last night was bad and I can't seem to stop all this!! Its stinks :(
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Ah last night was bad and I can't seem to stop all this!! Its stinks :(

    Sorry to hear. What's going on in your life? Can you find the root of what's causing it?