sweetHRT_christine Member


  • My last baby was a C-Section, and if I thought I had a belly before that I was wrong!!! now I have this disgusting hang down gut that I desperately want gone... I have heard that you have to work it from below... planks :( leg lifts :( the hard ones and LOTS of them!! Sucks am I right?
  • I used the baby excuse for five years... only lost 30 lbs of my baby weight of 40 and now baby number two is looking to be the same tired excuses. Rather than sit around with my few extra tires I am trying to get out with the kids everyday. My 5year old is into riding his bike and the 5 month old loves the carrier (burns…
  • I started yesterday and found that I ate twice my calories...which is funny because I actually thought that I was doing good yesterday until I added it. I think I might actually starve to death. I really want to lose weight, but I just ate breakfast and I am still hungry. This is going to be really hard. Really Really…