Back on the wagon, who's with me????

Its time to do something. Its that simple. I keep making excuses: " I just had a baby", "my schedule is crazy", "The baby kept me up all night and sleep is more important than exercise" and the ever popular "I'll just have one more bite..." The reality is that my "newborn" is 8 months old. She sleeps through the night now, is on a great schedule and in all reality that one last bite just turned in to another helping.
I am 5'1" and currently 165lbs. At 24 years old, I am disgusted with my body. They say this is as good as it gets, but I'm not buying that. Its going to get better and its going to start now. I am done with feeling tired, gross and self-concious. I have about 35-40lbs to lose and its going! Actually I'm not "losing" this weight, because I have no intention of ever finding it again. I'm getting rid of this weight. It's gone! I'm gonna stick with MFP and try to get in 3 workouts a week to start. I will adjust if necessary, and as progress happens. There are no more excuses and its time to hold myself accountable. Who's jumping back on the wagon with me????


  • sweetHRT_christine
    sweetHRT_christine Posts: 3 Member
    I used the baby excuse for five years... only lost 30 lbs of my baby weight of 40 and now baby number two is looking to be the same tired excuses. Rather than sit around with my few extra tires I am trying to get out with the kids everyday. My 5year old is into riding his bike and the 5 month old loves the carrier (burns extra calories) I really need support and I really need someone to share with. I am sinking. I lost 10 lbs in the first few months and now im back up :( I am not lacking in excersise or smart food choices my problem is I eat wayyyy too much, Huge helpings and plenty of snacks, healthy or not they are packing on the pounds. I sure could use some portion control and cookie diversion. Anyways I am with you 100% I want this weight gone for good! I also want to lose 50 lbs. seems like a mountain am I right?
  • Most days it feels like trying to climb everest! I give myself unrealistic and harsh goals and torture myself when I don't achieve them. Then I almost rebel against myself, purposely skipping exercising or eating the wrong foods just to maintain that I am "in control". Its a twisted little merry-go-round that I am riding. I finally just realized that I just need to get up and do something about it. I lost all of my baby weight fairly quickly, but I was heavy when I got pregnant. I went from being a very active nanny to a not so active real estate agent.
    I'm going to set small and attainable goals of 5 or 10lbs and give myself a non-food related reward when I get there. Something like a new shirt or similar. I too eat huge portions! I love to cook, and I love to eat. I also tend to cook comfort foods like potpie and meatloaf etc... Maybe if you pre-portion meals in a container and when its gone, then its gone? I also tend to skip meals because I'm so busy I forget to eat. Then I scarf down whatever because I'm starving and need something quick. And the merry go round takes another spin!
  • x98btg
    x98btg Posts: 8 Member
    I am in the same position, I am back on the wagon and ready to lose. My weight gain actually started when I wasn't able to get pregnant, so my husband and I compensated by eating out, and "treating" ourselves every month we realised I wasn't pregnant again. That lasted for almost three years, and about 50 pounds of weight gain. Then it happened! The miracle we were hoping for, I got pregnant, and we celebrated that...more weight gain...I got determined after the birth of my son, around the 8 month mark, and lost 20 pounds. I was very happy, and on the right track. Then another miracle, I got pregnant again, and now all the weight is back on. And I am done with excuses, I need it off, for me, for my emotional stability, for my husband, for my kids.

    Let's motivate each other!
  • I'm all for motivating eachother! I just got back from my 1.5 mile walk with the little one. The beagle slowed me down but he needs to lose too! Poor thing is about 20lbs over weight. I'm going to try to do my jillian yoga dvd when shes napping. Its not very exerting, but the stretch is amazing. I'm learning that its day by day. If I mess up one day, it doesnt mean that the whole week is shot. Just do better the next day. Small and attainable goals is my new strategy.
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm back on the wagon! I started mfp in late February 2011 and had lost 20 lbs by the end of June. Now, I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for a year and I'm so tired of it. I need to get serious again and quit letting myself use excuses for not exercising or eating like crap. I totally understand the "twisted little merry-go-round" and I'm ready to get off! I want to lose another 40-50 pounds. I'm sending requests to you guys. Let's do this!