for moms- belly fat

I have a question for moms. With pregnancy comes the flabby belly some excess skin, some like me fat flabby belly lol.. anyways, i was wondering will it ever go away, shrink at all with exercise. I would have to say that this part of my body is my most insecured body area. I think that if i didn't have it i probably would be a size or 2 smaller. i have to wear high waist pants just to hide it. I've had 3 kids and i'm okay with the stretch marks-- in fact i love my stretch marks i got during my pregnancies, however this belly disgusts me. I look like i'm 3-4 months pregnant. its just awful.

Thanks in advance :)


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I worked hard and didn't really lose mine until after my hysterectomy. I still have bad stretch marks and very low Body Fat % but am still considering laser treatment on them.
  • sweetHRT_christine
    sweetHRT_christine Posts: 3 Member
    My last baby was a C-Section, and if I thought I had a belly before that I was wrong!!! now I have this disgusting hang down gut that I desperately want gone... I have heard that you have to work it from below... planks :( leg lifts :( the hard ones and LOTS of them!! Sucks am I right?
  • beyond_beauty87
    beyond_beauty87 Posts: 48 Member
    completely sucks i was just asked by someone yesterday if i had a bun in the oven, while i was hanging onto my 5 month old. self esteem went down a few notches after that-- now i know what everyone is thinking but not saying-- if anything it makes me wanna push myself even harder.. but i'm with u there sucks big time.. i'm glad i'm not the only one out there with the same dilemma
  • I would love to know how to get rid of belly fat. I have this huge, flabby belly that I'm soooo ashamed of. I'm 43, will it EVER go away?
  • bbbsmama
    bbbsmama Posts: 96
    I have the same issue. I have had 3 kids too :) I have a lot of extra skin, but it is getting better. I always do at least an hour of cardio, & at least 100 sit ups and I can tell a big difference already (7weeks) Another friend of mine swears that fiber helps tighten your skin, but I'm not sure. I look ok in clothes, but not so much naked lol
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Mine had tighten up quite a bit. The skin still hang a bit when I am bending over or in plank position. I have 2 kids.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes. With weight loss and time it'll tighten up and look better. I still have a tiny bit of extra skin but it isn't noticeable.
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    I had three c-sections and because of complications the doctor had to do a vertical cut instead of horizontal. Add a ton of weight over the next few decades after that and talk about a disaster! It is absolutely the grossest thing ever. When I get the rest of this weight off, if exercise hasn't helped I am going in for a tummy tuck.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    With decreased overall body fat comes a reduction in the size of the belly. You can't spot reduce, you just have to be patient and take it down all over. Pictures of my belly are in my profile. I still ove some tiny stretch marks, but they're just white lines instead of angry red ones.
  • marymobs
    marymobs Posts: 2
    I have 2 kids, and lost 130 pounds after the birth of my last baby...Problem is now I have so much SKIN! I hate it, and am really wanting a tummy tuck...I see what I am supposed to look like...wish I could think myself into a model body!
    Exercise helps to tone, but skin just doesn't respond to exercise, although, it may help and couldn't hurt :) I think I am just at that point were I am tired of fighting to look the way I deserve to look.

    Why can't I be like my husband....the exact same weight as 12 years ago, and nothing sags :)
    NO FAIR!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have three kids, the belly fat is slowly going down. I'm very hopeful it will be gone before next summer! I'm patient I guess!!! lol But the stretch marks, ughhh, they are hideous. I will only wear my two piece bathing suit in my own yard because I'm afraid frightening others with it!!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    planks and time, augmented by genetics. some women have little issue (Heidi Klum), others get a tummy tuck
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I only have 1 child who is now 21 months old and I can tell you that if you work hard enough and do what you need to do with your workouts, as well as diet, you can get your tummy back. It may not be as it was before but you can get it close to it. I gained about 36 lbs with my son and in the 1st week lost 22 lbs and worked my butt off for the rest of it. With the weight loss, I have a little extra layer of skin that kind of hangs over my belly button which Im not happy about but I had a baby, ya know??

    Anyway, like I said you can do it!

    Feel free to add me!
  • I've had two c sections. and i can tell you its been a year and a half since my last child was born,and i've lost most of the baby weight now, but i still have some extra flab of skin on my stomach, that hangs there. i hate it. my doctor told me it would probably never go away on its own. i will need to get a tummy tuck some day to get rid of the excess skin. after my third child in a couple years i plan to get the surgery done.