

  • Honestly, I would base what I posted on the assumption that the majority would prefer to maintain their current muscle mass (and yes maybe increase the % of muscle mass (maybe not "stack it on") as opposed to lose both muscle and fat through their daily routines. Being that this Board is under the "General Diet and Weight…
  • I was having a similar issue until I found my metabolism was way to slow and my intake was no where nears "what I should be taking in". Avoiding simple carbs, incorporating complex carbs (brown rice helped hugely!) moderate protein intake, dont go crazy and prefer white meat over lots of red meat as well. Grazing (4-5…
  • Let me tell ya, any decent nutritionist or trainor will tell you that "household chores" that involve up and down stairs, squatting/bending over, sweeping or vacumming, dusting (where your squatting/bending over/etc) will definately count as exercise. It raises your heartrate and elevates your core body temp (sweating)…
  • If you have a game console (just an option for ya) like Nintendo WII, XBOX 360, PS3 for example, and 18 bucks, you can jump on walmart.com, and I HIGHLY recommend the EA SPorts 2!!! OMG that thing not only does it track your calories burned, and workout times, cardio improvements, intake, etc. But it also has a 9 week…
  • After pulling a bicep and lower back muscle spasms (+10 months of RR and physical therapy) I started working out again. After going through the measurements of lean body mass and total % of body fat etc I found my caloric intake amount and started planning my intake from there on. I incorporated Healthy Choice steamers…
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