

  • Awesome post to read. I am in this for the long haul, so won't be returning to "normal" eating once I have lost the weight I want to lose. I have been doing really well so far and I don't mind if the weight loss slows. It is important that I don't feel like I am cutting anything from my diet because otherwise I cheat and…
  • Ha ha - that's funny. Nope - definitely not a loser. I am having a vodka.
  • Real Fresh Pudding Cups - come in Vanilla and Chocolate and are only about 100 calories, Sooo yummy! Got mine from Countdown,
  • I am a 38 year old mum of two living in New Zealand. I have been following MFP for 6-7 weeks and it is so addictive. I do find some of the calories people burn through exercise a bit intimidating as due to previous injuries, I am certainly no hard core athlete but try my best to keep moving. I have lost 5.4 kg so far and…
    in New here! Comment by tommo99 March 2012
  • Hi! I have been using it for just over a month and I think it is the best thing ever. I can totally see where I have gone wrong in the past - just eating too much really, ha ha.
    in Hello! Comment by tommo99 February 2012
  • Hi - I am from the West Coast and only started this last week. Going great so far and I can definitely see where I have been going wrong in the past, ie drinking all my calories, ha ha.