Amazing!! We are on the same path and seeing how far ahead you are makes me want it even more!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I made the mistake of creating a post with the word "cleanse" in it.. I had to ask the moderators to delete it .. :o
He will eat what he wants to eat.. I've talked to him about it to no avail. I am no angel.. I fall into the trap and buy him the foods out of guilt.. but no more.. He can buy them, but I will refuse to even look at them.. and will not spend my money on them!
Thank you for your support!! I am trying to be a good example for my family, especially my children and I have to be strong!! There are some lines I refused to cross.. No McD's, Wendy's, etc.. On a road trip yesterday, my husband decided he wanted McDonalds. After he parked the car, I walked the main street and found a…
I had the fitbit, it broke, I bought the Bodymedia fit, then fitbit sent me a replacement. I have been wearing them both and so far today, in 4 hours, the Bodymedia Fit has registered 500 more steps than the fitbit.. Now I will have to figure out which one is more accurate!!
Thanks! :) I hasn't been easy.. After being a stay-at-home mom for 8 years, I am now working full time and still having to care for 3 children, 3 dogs, 6 budgies and 2 cockatiels. I also have a pet-sitting business so often have other pets staying at my home.. 2 cats at the moment hehe. Find it hard sometimes to work out…
1 cup of egg whites, 45g of sugar snap peas, 45 grams of grape tomatoes, 50 grams of zucchini, 1 tbsp of chia and a cuppa tea :)
I am gluten and dairy free.. as well as rice, corn, potatoes!! Drastic changes in what I was eating, but it has worked well for me and forced me to be creative!!!
I don't disagree really, just going about it differently. I don't miss the high cal/fat/sodium foods. I stopped eating them because they didn't fit into my new life. I do want to lose weight, and I am losing weight, but it is more than just weight loss for me. I guess I have become an extremist in what I eat. I couldn't…
I haven't read every post in the forum, but besides fiber, do they have any other nutritional benefit? I have tried them, and while they were tolerable, I have a hard time eating 'fillers'. I would rather eat something filling and nutrionally dense. I eat more food now than before I started losing. Not as many calories for…
I am going to bump this topic to get some more suggestions! I have since lost another 20 lbs, and I have yet to find a garment that holds things in! My back and ribs are taking a beating with the movement of my excess skin. I have compression shorts, but I need something that goes higher. I wear a couple of tight fitting…
My biggest pet peeve is when people suggest supplements for me to try.. "I saw this on the Doctors.. it will make your body burn fat" or.. try this shake or this supplement.. I have chosen clean eating and exercise to make myself fit and healthy. I don't need a magic pill or concoction to make it happen faster! And I HAVE…
Non-Scale Victory :)
Thank you :) It hasn't been easy, but definitely worth it!
I started adding nuts and seeds and adding a bit more to my meals.. I'll increase my calories over time, but really want to stick to whole, natural foods. Thank you everyone!
I could eat a burger too and get calories hehe.. But I don't eat wheat or dairy... I know I CAN find higher calorie foods, but I want to eat unprocessed as much as possible.. Maybe adding the yolks back in would be a good idea.. hmmm
I have a home gym and use it as often as possible.. I do an hour on the elliptical each day, cardio and circuit training, but haven't started weights.. I do have resistance bands though and will work those in asap. I have to get over the eating part.. I eat til I am stuffed, but my meals are very low calorie.. high…
My math was off the first time I did this.. didn't subtract the last one.. (age x ) Even with.. and lowering my exercise amount.. It is 3347.. Take off 500-1000 for weight loss? 2300-2800.. MFP recommends 1650.. I DO need to up my calories because I am not eating enough, just not sure that is the right amount..